Pictures of your truck.

Hej Dan, it’s great! The work is pretty varied and hands-on to keep you fit, the tackle is great and it’s very peaceful here compared to southern europe. I’m looking forward to winter as well, although I am a bit nervous about putting on chains, have only seen how to do it on youtube :smiley:

here’s the truck I’m driving now, the same as two previous ones. the load is styrox at 3.1m high, so to fit under the canopy at the gas station in Enontekiö I had to let the air out of the suspension on the truck and the trailer.

I think we be fine fot a couple of weeks still. Winter tyres this earli and they will be worn out before the snow is here. It’s just to warm on the days

agreed, it’s just that I don’t think I’ll be up here again for a while


I think we be fine fot a couple of weeks still. Winter tyres this earli and they will be worn out before the snow is here. It’s just to warm on the days

agreed, it’s just that I don’t think I’ll be up here again for a while

Sadly when I shot that pic was last time I was there. Would love to see it in the summer but as usual I only get to go there in the winter.

Hej Dan, it’s great! The work is pretty varied and hands-on to keep you fit, the tackle is great and it’s very peaceful here compared to southern europe. I’m looking forward to winter as well, although I am a bit nervous about putting on chains, have only seen how to do it on youtube :smiley:

here’s the truck I’m driving now, the same as two previous ones. the load is styrox at 3.1m high, so to fit under the canopy at the gas station in Enontekiö I had to let the air out of the suspension on the truck and the trailer.

Hi! Nice to hear that you are doing good :smiley:
About the chains,learn how to put them on now before the snow arrives mutch easyer to put them on in sun instead of a snowstorm :wink: Are you having single or dubble chains? Oh and one more advice,put them on in time before you are stuck in a hill sliding backwards… mutch easyer to do it in time :smiley:
And last what is styrox? :question:
Have a good run down south tomorrow!

Milodon, my first snow chain experience was as Dan said, one of those sliding down a hill backwards events, it took me three hours to get up that hill! Most of that was learning how to put chains on and being jacknifed across the road meant that was far more difficult than it needed to be :laughing:

If you’re using singles, take two bits of wood with you, put them in front of your inner tyres and drive up on them, your outer tyres will then be off the ground and you can put the chains on in one go and get them nice and tight. Bungees help to keep them really tight too, oh and remember one really important thing…don’t chain the tag, even though it is so much easier :laughing:

Milodon, my first snow chain experience was as Dan said, one of those sliding down a hill backwards events, it took me three hours to get up that hill! Most of that was learning how to put chains on and being jacknifed across the road meant that was far more difficult than it needed to be :laughing:

If you’re using singles, take two bits of wood with you, put them in front of your inner tyres and drive up on them, your outer tyres will then be off the ground and you can put the chains on in one go and get them nice and tight. Bungees help to keep them really tight too, oh and remember one really important thing…don’t chain the tag, even though it is so much easier :laughing:

May I ask why he would need the wood. Just throw them over the wheel, and drive forward/backwards a bit. Link the chain toghter. Drive for a km and tighten it up. 2min job when you done it one time.

I’m yet to have one of those sliding back moments. Had a close call. Stopped for a accident in a hill and went out to have a look at how long it will take. Looking back at the truck I see it slowly loosing grip, forgot to pull the saftey valve, handbrake just applies the drive wheels. Manged just and just to get back in and press the brakes before it took of :slight_smile:
But these things have so much power (fair bit over 700hp the one i drive) so you get so far up the hill that when it finally stops it will start sliding back directly so it’s a thing just waiting to happen. :slight_smile:

No need for driving backwards or forwards, no need to stop and tighten them either, which can be the last thing you want to do pulling up a hill in the snow.

Doing it that way I can chain 4 tyres (double drive) and be rolling again in 5 minutes.

Yeah i did that to newmercman,it was an old driver that Said thats the best Way to do it and so it was. No stop to tighten just of you go!
And i only used dubble one time no prob but mutch hevyer to deal whit,so i got some real good singels and they work fine for me no nead for dubbels ever :slight_smile:


great, thanks for the info guys!!!

styrox is what the customs officer at kivilompolo called it, styrofoam insulation from Bewi.

I’ve been planning on trying the chains before I actually need them, from the videos on Trygg’s site (we use their single chains) it’s not that hard, I think it’s about a month until I’m gonna need to use them?

Milodon, remember one very important thing, chains are to get you out of trouble, not to get you into trouble, if you need them just to drive down the road, it’s time to park…

Milodon, remember one very important thing, chains are to get you out of trouble, not to get you into trouble, if you need them just to drive down the road, it’s time to park…

Sorry but that won’t work where he drives. You won’t see any salt in North Norway and sand looks to be more expensive than gold. If you park you may sit there for month’s.

What I drive atm. :slight_smile:

Half cab?

fishing boat?



I hate 6 wheelers. Massive tail swing.

Just have to be extra careful and take my time, should be alright :sunglasses:
Jonny :sunglasses:

If its a drop axel then the tail swing gets even worse.

A tip; Leave the back axle down in urban areas and raise it once out on the open roads.




I hate 6 wheelers. Massive tail swing.

Just have to be extra careful and take my time, should be alright :sunglasses:
Jonny :sunglasses:

If its a drop axel then the tail swing gets even worse.

A tip; Leave the back axle down in urban areas and raise it once out on the open roads.

I generally keep it down in the city, as the back axle steers so isn’t so harsh on the tyres, I didn’t think id like the iveco that much but to be honest I’m starting to wonder how they get a bad reputation as I find it quite a good drive just takes a little bit to get used to the gearbox! I think I dropped lucky as mine has a reversing camera, certainly handy when folk decide to walk behind the lorry when reversing!

Untitled by jonnytruckfest1, on Flickr

Bound for Manchester & Stockport tomorrow :sunglasses:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Here’s my current steed, she’s quite old and sluggish but it doesn’t bother me, getting paid by the hour.

Basically I’m floating all over South Island but in theory I go south from Christchurch which suits me well, SH1 northwards is nothing but a racing track.

Finally got bumper painted just the stripes to do now

Why do you have blue headlights? Isn’t that defeating the whole point of having headlamps, ie. to see where you’re going in the dark? :unamused:


Here’s my current steed, she’s quite old and sluggish but it doesn’t bother me, getting paid by the hour.

Basically I’m floating all over South Island but in theory I go south from Christchurch which suits me well, SH1 northwards is nothing but a racing track.

Bloody hell! A Hino without a tipper or mixer on it’s back. :smiley: