Pictures of your truck.

This is my new unit, quite chuffed with it tbh

thats 1 tidy looking motor there mate, looks good !!! :smiley:

nice one!!!


just thought id give you a upto date pic joshh :smiley:

where did you get the ‘dutch style’ name board on the front of your cab?

Thought I’d already posted on this thread, hadn’t till now.

Just don’t say they won’t fit, it just encourages me to find a way that they will

Nice truck there 8 wheels, like the one me dad owns for transportin his machines round for work but i think his is the biggest one of the 6 wheelers?

Not sure how it can be bigger, other than an R cab like the one below which I sometimes drive and usually get blamed for breaking.

Not sure how it can be bigger, other than an R cab like the one below which I sometimes drive and usually get blamed for breaking.

Prob the same size then fella,
here’s a pic

This was my old girl till August 08.

( link edited ) jd

This was my old girl till August 08.

This was my old Truck

Fixed it for you

Copy the bottom code just the IMG one not HTML code :smiley: :laughing:

Yes Joshh it’s the same size as mine, but with a day cab.

why do a large number of irish trucks have massive stickers on with the spec
eg intercooler
daf 380
twin ■■■ lighters etc■■?

This is now in India, hence the reason why I was made redundant.

This was parked up in Liepziege East Germany.

and this was parked up outside the Lowes Tunnel Monaco.

me on the right transam on the left think its euromat not sure he was asleep

when I was on Westermann,the fleet was 140 strong in those days
this was going onto the St Malo ferry in 1998, they used to take a picture of all the vehicles and sell them in the shop during the crossing

some newer ones
33t case excavator and 3t roller

28t hitachi excavator

two 15t JCB excavators and a 6t dumper

Some great photos there Monkeyboy, i bet those loads take some serious securing! The unit with that trailer on look very smart. Just out of interest what horsepower is your unit?

Its a 480 seems to do the trick, never really run above 56t although its plated to 65t, any more than that and think we’d be needing a V8 :slight_smile:

Very nice pictures love the yellow truck stands out and very nice!

Postby glenman » Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:08 pm
is it that unit i see heading sort of cork direction on a tuesday afternoon ?

Tuesday afternoon would be me heading back from tralee to dublin, but there are 3 other sleeper cf’s (new shaped also) and a few day cabs not to mention a load of rigids that deal witht he smaller tight area we cant get into. possibly could have been me but if you see it about gimme a shout on the CB. id be all over the south from monday to thursday usually heading out of toughers on the tuesday.

just forget exactly where i have seen one of yours but they are definitely heading
cork direction. i would be on my way up from cork to dublin when i pass cb in
but next time i will try to flash the lights in time even it its not you . :slight_smile: