Pictures of your truck.

I was on a timber run last week and as usual the elf n safety mob were on it. I had forgotten to put my hard hat on. As I climbed back in the cab and reached for the rascal, I noticed it had a mark on the top of it. I grabbed hold of a wipe and gave it a quick once over.

I hadn’t realised that a few gaffers were stood next to my cab. One of them said to another bloke " Why is that driver polishing his helmet? ". Quick as a flash I replied " Save’ s the wife doing it tonight ".

The big honcho then came over to me and explained that he had been in the construction industry for many years and had extensive knowledge of a variety of tools.

Rather sadly and inevitably he told me I was among the biggest he had ever seen. As he wandered off, his entourage chuckled and congratulated him.

I felt sad.


tango boy:
Lol :laughing: :laughing: Get on!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: … /i-Q93DbpM

Looks like you have a follower

Iv’e seen them he’s good! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I was on a timber run last week and as usual the elf n safety mob were on it. I had forgotten to put my hard hat on. As I climbed back in the cab and reached for the rascal, I noticed it had a mark on the top of it. I grabbed hold of a wipe and gave it a quick once over.

I hadn’t realised that a few gaffers were stood next to my cab. One of them said to another bloke " Why is that driver polishing his helmet? ". Quick as a flash I replied " Save’ s the wife doing it tonight ".

The big honcho then came over to me and explained that he had been in the construction industry for many years and had extensive knowledge of a variety of tools.

Rather sadly and inevitably he told me I was among the biggest he had ever seen. As he wandered off, his entourage chuckled and congratulated him.

I felt sad.

PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Its been a bad time for receiving the gaffers humour recently Tango.

The other day we had a visitor on site. I was doing a quick trailer audit whilst waiting for the night man to bring my wagon back.

Boss came over with this well dressed fella. He introduced me to him.

And then said " I feel like I’m giving something back to the community by employing him ". Bit below the belt if you ask me.

BIGRIGS new baby

Its been a bad time for receiving the gaffers humour recently Tango.

The other day we had a visitor on site. I was doing a quick trailer audit whilst waiting for the night man to bring my wagon back.

Boss came over with this well dressed fella. He introduced me to him.

And then said " I feel like I’m giving something back to the community by employing him ". Bit below the belt if you ask me.

Ouch, think he has a soft spot for ya :wink:

My colleagues truck this morning whoops!


heres mine


heres mine

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Sun bathing in lomme, France before running the calais gauntlet

My current one

My current one

Out of work then :smiley: :smiley:

we’re on Lettuce’s today !!!


My current one

Out of work then :smiley: :smiley:

no didn’t load what size do I need

Mine… not a bad old bus… goes well as long as there isnt a hill around

20150617_125902~2 by jonnytruckfest1, on Flickr

My motor this past week. Moving into the sister motor tomorrow as this ones up for MOT. Might be making an appearence at Newark if i can get it ready in time. :slight_smile:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Hey Johnny, whats it like working for Longs?

My wagon in the sunshine, free muck tip too thankyou Farmer Giles. :sunglasses: