
Ah, yes, I know this forum software very well.
If there is anything I can do to help, don’t be afraid to ask…

We have had a custom hack written so we upload graphics to the forum summary page and individual forums easily (e.g. The DAF sponsorship graphics )

there is a good web site (sent to me by Henk) full of PHP Hacks and we may integrate some at a later date

for now we just want to ensure what we have now is stable, unlike the Info pop board we have just moved from

phpBB prefer to call them Mods, not hacks. :slight_smile:

The ones I have on my forums include photogallery integration (this is fabulous), link to user management from profile, a modified COPPA, an extra column in the memberlist which shows when people last logged in and a mod to stop unregistered visitors seeing the memberlist or usergroups (essential for spam protection)


PS If you want to see mine, I’m Tankbuster.