Photos on quotes

Right, I,ve had a moan about the Vacancies column and I,m about to have another,… I,m thinking am I taking this forum too ■■■■ serious, or becoming a moaning old ■■■■, or both :unamused: but here goes…When replying to posts with attached photos by using the “quote icon” why do some leave all the photos in their post instead of just leaving the relevant photo that they are commenting on .For instance Bubb,s thread on the O/Time forum, he posts about 10 pics at a time somebody comments on 1 and quotes all the pics, then somebody else does the same on another and before you know it 2or3 pages are took up with the same photos. :smiling_imp: …I,ve just read this back and decided I must get out more, so I,m off for a pint, but I might watch an episode of One foot in the grave first to get some more ideas :unamused: :laughing:

I agree again. :slight_smile: BUT! If you think it’s bad here, you should go on some of the gaming forums where people post like 100 screenshots in one post, then someone replies to it (which automatically includes the quote & pics) saying “Nice!” or “cool pics bro” or something equally pointless. You’ll never ‘fix’ this issue and the most you can do is educate them in your reply telling them to remove the pic links.

it is down to the person who quotes the post to remove the photo’s that are not required, they simply remove the coding for the unwanted ones from the quote before they submit the post

, so I,m off for a pint, but I might watch an episode of One foot in the grave first to get some more ideas …

You missed an uppercase F & G … i gotta get out more also!

Rob K:
I agree again. :slight_smile: BUT! If you think it’s bad here, you should go on some of the gaming forums where people post like 100 screenshots in one post, then someone replies to it (which automatically includes the quote & pics) saying “Nice!” or “cool pics bro” or something equally pointless. You’ll never ‘fix’ this issue and the most you can do is educate them in your reply telling them to remove the pic links.

OK Rob, but let,s both agree never to reply to each other,s posts/pics with “cool pics bro” for Christ,s sake :unamused: OK Dude? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I read an online newspaper report about a recent murder & the first reader to comment complained about a comma in the wrong place!


Rob K:
I agree again. :slight_smile: BUT! If you think it’s bad here, you should go on some of the gaming forums where people post like 100 screenshots in one post, then someone replies to it (which automatically includes the quote & pics) saying “Nice!” or “cool pics bro” or something equally pointless. You’ll never ‘fix’ this issue and the most you can do is educate them in your reply telling them to remove the pic links.

OK Rob, but let,s both agree never to reply to each other,s posts/pics with “cool pics bro” for Christ,s sake :unamused: OK Dude? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


There is a mod out there that will take out images when quoting … Not to difficult to add either … :neutral_face: