Photo upload problems

Just been talking to Dan Punchard and he mentioned a problem that I’ve experienced; he can’t upload photos taken on his new I pad to this site. I’ve had the same with the message “file too large” or something similar. I’m by no means a techie but I assumed that it’s a problem with these new mega pixel cameras providing too much detail. My I phone 8 gives me similar problems.

I have found a way around it though; if I e mail myself the picture I then find that I can upload the e mailed version with no problems whatsoever.

Anyone know if I’m correct in my theory of too many pixels?

The maximum file size you can upload is 2MB, phone and tablet cameras these days are easily capable of taking pictures well over that size.

I don’t have an iPad so can’t say exactly how to do it but the setting you need to change will most likely be called resolution or picture size, I can only suggest choosing a lower resolution or picture size and see if you can post the pictures then.

The picture size is determined by the number of pixels in the picture so yes the problem is most likely to be the number of pixels in the image.

I have had this problem, I can usually “crop” the pictures using google paint.

As an experiment Pete try my e mail method. Works for me.

If you just want to crop the image most phones/tablets will have basic editing software that will allow you to do that directly on the device.

Open the picture in the devises picture gallery or Apples equivalent, and there will most likely be basic image editing features.

Sent from my mobile.

You are completely correct Tachograph. I on the other hand prefer to take the path of least resistance, therefore e mail. :smiley:

You can also re-save the image as a .jpg as it’s a compressed lower sized (data size not actual dimension size) format of a .png or .bmp image, I suspect that Maosters “hack” is automatically converting it to .jpg when it uploads to his e-mail hence why it works as stated.

If you cannot find any options on your poserpad or phone (sorry, I mean ipad or iphone) then there are online converters available to upload and re-download the converted image (it seems long winded but is probably an easier way to do it for the technically challenged here :smiley: )

pre-posting edit:
A little search just before I clicked submit and posted this revealed that ipad/phones save as default in a HEIF format (yep no idea either) so type in your search engine HEIF to JPG and the results should lead you where you need to go, then just follow the online converters instructions.

the maoster:
As an experiment Pete try my e mail method. Works for me.

I’ve only just got the hang of logging on mate! :smiley: