
well worth signing

Debatable really, what i mean is why is this even recorded & uploaded onto the www. in the first place,? it is i would imagine an almost daily occurrence, I can put valid points arguments both for and against what the “BIG MAN” did and also possible reasons for why the level of “fair dodging” is quite common place

The bit that is somewhat concerning is what the big man actually did when off the train out of view of the camera,so maybe not so clear cut as they would like us to think, if he even pushed him to the floor that is ABH i believe if security staff cannot do such without fear of prosecution then why should Joe public ? trying to be a dumbed down Charlie Bronson AKA (Paul Kersey) isn’t worth the hassle

well worth signing

Not really. The bloke body slammed a dude onto the platform just for refusing to get off a train. Like the woman in the video said “there’s noo need for that”.

I hope he hangs. Do they still do that?

I will not be signing.
not enough hard info for me to make a decision.

Im not convinced either. IMO, the guard put this guy in an unnescesary position to start with and given the training that train crews recieve, im more than abit supprised. This kid was not a danger to other passengers, he wasnt waving a knife about etc. All he was was a fair dodger. All the guard had to do was get on the radio and inform the British Transport Police of the fair avading passenger, they would have assembled a “welcoming commitee” for him at the next station, job done!
There would have been none of this crap and ‘The big man’ would not be in the situation he now finds himself in.

I will not be signing.
not enough hard info for me to make a decision.


I wouldn’t like to be delayed because of a fair dodger, and might give them some grief, but to actually man handle them like that is nothing short of assault.

When I was on busses though, I wouldn’t let someone get away without paying - well, I say that, but it depends on circumstances, you know, if they ask instead of sneaking on or whatever, as long as they don’t make me feel like an arse, it’d probably be ok if you know what I mean - and would refuse to move the bus until they buggered off, and have actually thrown quite a few off, including some drunken yobs on a ‘rail replacement’ at a services in the middle of nowhere…

No signiture from me I’m affraid, that’s what solicitors are for.

Sounds to me like the conductor wanted the public to turn on him ‘I can sit here all night, these will be delayed’… used the same tactics when a muppet taxi driver tried bullying his way through a none-existant gap, just climbed out and advised that he reverse and not be a knob in future, he refused and I said I’ll have a break there, would your customers want to pay you waiting time just for being a knob?

Hmm… not sure about this.

I read the write-up, and it mentions “arrest” (amongst some completely irrelevant points,) so from my reading of this about ‘Bilking’ …

… the big man may have some explaining to do, cos sometimes Bilking is a civil matter.

Sorry, but there’s not enough info for me to sign the petition. Maybe the big man is bang to rights?

Travelling on a train without a ticket isn’t always deemed an offence,as some booking offices at some smaller stations are not always continuously manned , So the inspector should of asked for payment of the fair after asking him his intended destination ect, if no funds then requested his details name address ect and then verified them, if came back as false or other problem pc plod waiting at next station or other on route, no real need for “the big man” or to delay the train

Not a chance I would sign that. The man’s a ■■■■■

No signature from me either, the big man assaulted the young kid, his intervention wasn’t necessary nor was the constant haranguing from the conductor.

The young scum hasn’t paid, report him for theft plain and simple.

The little zb wasted a lot of peoples time,I would have him charged with false imprisonment of the other train passengers. He also cursed and swore in front of families so lets think of the children as well.The big man should not be charged in this instance.

The little zb wasted a lot of peoples time,I would have him charged with false imprisonment of the other train passengers.

Don’t be daft the passengers were free to get off that train at any time so there was no imprisonment, false or otherwise, involved.


The little zb wasted a lot of peoples time,I would have him charged with false imprisonment of the other train passengers.

Don’t be daft the passengers were free to get off that train at any time so there was no imprisonment, false or otherwise, involved.

Yeah, i dont know where that came from! :laughing:
At the end of the day, the conductor dealt with this badly and made a mild sittuation alot worse. He should be on the poop deck for involving a member of the public in the first instance, absolutely no need!!
There are laid down rules for train crew in dealing with fair dodgers (or any other PITA) and that is not one of them.

Good on the big man, fed up of these scummy chavs wantin everything for free, too many louts feeding of folk like me as a tax payer, and if he hurt himself as he fell all the better… he wasn’t too ill to feature on Radio 2 the following few days though bleating away. Hell mend the little paracite and all like him, fed up of all the yoghurt eaters in this country looking thro rose tinted glasses… only shame is the guard was too old to do it himself…lets arm the guards!!!