Starbake Anglia was/is the bakery division of the Co-op.
After originally operating it’s own vehicles, they later went on to contract-hire from BRS, using a fleet of Mercedes trucks.
Not sure on the pedigree of this smart ERF though.
J.W. Taylor ERF, from the John Thomas collection. Looks like the photo was taken at the East of England Show, Peterborough.
Starbake Anglia was/is the bakery division of the Co-op.
After originally operating it’s own vehicles, they later went on to contract-hire from BRS, using a fleet of Mercedes trucks.
Not sure on the pedigree of this smart ERF though.0
just a small to make starbake was welsh bakery who bought the bakery from the co-op in the early eighties so their the story ends
And the bakery is now long gone and demolished,to make way for the new
Peterborough Station complex (supposedly!!)
Thanks for the info on Starbake. I’ve seen some pictures of their Mercedes rigids that they had on contract-hire from BRS somewhere, but i’ll
be damned if I can find them now…
so here’s another photo from the John Thomas collection, this time a Mid-Anglia ERF.
Those Atarbake 1617s were a bit of a nightmare,as they were very long wheelbase
(may even have been stretched) and they went through rear spring centre bolts all
the time! They also seem to overturn the huge double deck trailers they had quite regularly too!
Goodmans Transport were based on Oundle Road, Orton Longueville. The location of the yard was the North side of the A605, at the West end of Botolph Bridge, which took Oundle Road over the rail connection into the sugar factory, it coming from the East Coast main line, onto the Peterborough - Northampton line, now the Nene Valley Railway. The site is now covered by, among other things, a recently closed, secondhand car dealer, and is opposite the turn into Shrewsbury Avenue. The vehicle livery was dark green, and Peterborough Heavy Haulage collected drawbar tank trailers that had been filled with tar, brought in by Goodmans, and took them to surface dressing sites, I think for W&J Glossop. Would think would be the late 60s when the operation finished, and as an aside, the yard man at Goodmans, Ray Cobb, went over to PHH/CPL at the closure, and served for many years at Yaxley.
Hermit, were Goodmans trucks ERF’s?
Yes, am almost certain were ERFs. The tar that PHH took out, think that Midland Tar Distillers were the supplier, and have a feeling that there were some tank storage facilities on site at Orton.
Had some further thoughts on Goodmans. Think that they either shared, or had adjacent premises with Midland Tar Distillers, hence the bulk storage facility. The aforementioned Ray Cobb, worked for MTD I think, and they were PHHs customer in repect of hauling the tank trailers.
I don’t suppose there is any link between the old Goodmans,and the goodmans bus company who provided school transport in P/Boro for a while until very recently?
Hermit, were Goodmans trucks ERF’s?
They were ERF’s.
I still have a 1971 'K Registered ERF LV 8 wheeler that was new to Goodman’s.
Its now a tipper, and has been since about 1982, but the insulated tar tank from it sat in the field next to Warmington filling station for years, but has gone now.
The firm was run by Mrs. Goodman, not sure what the full story was, but I heard that she sacked all the drivers over some dispute or other, and that was the end of the firm.
…First,the AEC shunter that PHH used,was donated to the Peterborough Regiional college motor
vehicles dept,as a fellow trainee and i got it running whilsy we were training…
What sort of year are we talking about Kev?.
There was an ex PHH (Contractors) Mandator at the college around 1990, but PHH still had another one at their yard for shunting at the same time. The one at Yaxley disappeared early into the takeover years later, and I always wondered where it went. Did that one end up at the college too?.
Starbake Anglia was/is the bakery division of the Co-op.
After originally operating it’s own vehicles, they later went on to contract-hire from BRS, using a fleet of Mercedes trucks.
Not sure on the pedigree of this smart ERF though.0
Hi i ve just joined this site.
The starbake ERF was actually owned by starbake and was bought because the mercedes day cabs previously used to pull there double deck trailers were deemed not up to the job,and after a number of rollovers, it was decided a 6x2 configuration would be more stable than a 4x2 ,also starbake were starting to have a buy british policy at this time, hence the introduction of this ERF , it was actually a nice vehicle to drive , i actually took this photo, when we had not had her long…
Hope this is of interest…
…First,the AEC shunter that PHH used,was donated to the Peterborough Regiional college motor
vehicles dept,as a fellow trainee and i got it running whilsy we were training…What sort of year are we talking about Kev?.
There was an ex PHH (Contractors) Mandator at the college around 1990, but PHH still had another one at their yard for shunting at the same time. The one at Yaxley disappeared early into the takeover years later, and I always wondered where it went. Did that one end up at the college too?.
I also remember that mandator at the college not sure if it was XFL807J or OFL 802M as i ve seen both of these but can’t remember where i saw them…
ERF and Roadcruiser…
I couldn’t tell you the exact date,but i was attending college from '89 to '95,
the AEC didn’t appear,as far as i remember,until the new building opened,and that
was opened by John Major when Prime minister (92-97),so it was probably 92 or 93
as an educated guess.Again,not sure of the reg,but have a feeling it was the J-reg