
Well, we went to the truckfest, I wasnt going at all, but the lad wanted to go. I aint been for over 10 years, nearer 12, and I was sure it never got so packed out back then? and it seemed there were loads of stalls and the trucks were all on the perimiter, some even outside. A lot of the motors were good, and although we definately wouldnt go again, it wasnt a total bust, jesus, the crowds were cat. Im looking forward to a smaller one now to get all that jazz, noise and crowds out of me system. Weather was very good though!


I never made it! :cry:
My son wasnt in the best of health this morning so we decided to give the 2-3 hour drive a miss!
about dinner time he was running about in the garden!
Still I do prefer smaller Truck shows so I guess I saved myself a few quid! :smiley:

Was it expensive mal? was it worth the dosh?

mal and tc try the peak truck show at uttoxiter race course in august not as big as truckfest and not as comercialised their are stalls but they only sell truckstuff when i got there i did wonder where the wagons were oh and it was 15quid per adult found a cheap toy truck stall so my 3yre old was happy with his stobart scanny and his big yellow actros still up playing with em now the little sod :laughing: :laughing:

Critic, it was about 35 quid for 3 of us to get in, thank god my 2 daughters thought it was a crap idea and stayed home! I dunno what the food prices were we took our own food and drink. To me, it wernt worth it, but really thats because I didnt like the atmosphere, but to them that do, its a big show there aint a doubt.

Im going there for certain Jonah, hoping it’ll be more what I like! Anyway, it’ll be a shorter drive, the old Skoda looked like a F1 car blowing its engine when the top hose went at the end of the toll road yesterday coming back. The car behind us had to stop there was so much steam LOL!


I decided bbq and Vodka would have been a better idea so i`m sufering right now with a hang over :frowning:.

mal and tc try the peak truck show at uttoxiter race course in august not as big as truckfest and not as comercialised their are stalls but they only sell truckstuff when i got there i did wonder where the wagons were oh and it was 15quid per adult found a cheap toy truck stall so my 3yre old was happy with his stobart scanny and his big yellow actros still up playing with em now the little sod :laughing: :laughing:

What are the dates for this show and where exactly is it ? Never fancied TruckFest because of the crowds.

the race course is just off the a50 behind the superstore on the outskirts of uttoxiter ill check the dates they should be in truck and driver this month and it cost about 7 qiud to get in :laughing:

the race course is just off the a50 behind the superstore on the outskirts of uttoxiter ill check the dates they should be in truck and driver this month and it cost about 7 qiud to get in :laughing:

14/15 th august at the race course i shall be getting the train so can have a few beers :smiley:

sorry about not giving you a bell at truckfest jonah/rikki but i didn’t take the mobile with me :blush:
