Pet Hates

Drivers who religously stick to 40 in a 40 but when it turns into a dual carriagway they drive flat out at 56mph. Why dont they just let you through?

trying to get back on a friday when u been out all week…its if you in the wrong …when u say your not running in on a saturday

Mmmmm yep. I think all of the above just about covers it for me. Thanks all, couldn,t be arsed typing all that out myself :laughing: :laughing:

Cars parked illegally in loading bays

My pet hates.

Beverley bell end.
French coppers,
MP’s without back bone.
RHA without back bone.
FTA without backbone.
Handing keys in.
Women who say no i don’t like it like that.
People who think about buying caravans.
Fat birds.
Lane hoggers,
Speed limiters,
40mph limit,
Bad manners,
LItter in laybyes,

ever thought them 7.5 ton drivers might be class 1

Drivers wearing their hooking-up/daily check gloves in the cab.

(I’ll not do it again …sorry guys)

People who drive cars at 52 mph because they are pretend lorry drivers and make me have to overtake them just because like to flash their headlights at me, assuming that this means they are in some way in my Brotherhood.

Muslims :smiley:

And them blokes who drive a 10 horsepower 7.5 tonner or van and dont realise that it is the lack of power from the poxy thing that is preventing you from overtaking, not the nice man in the big truck you are trying to overtake :stuck_out_tongue:

Its like a stroppy Jack Russell taking on a Pit Bull

people who drive all the way past the queing traffic for the slip road then at the very last minute try to push in meaning that they obstuct the next lane causing everybody else to brake and swerev around them and they wonder why there are accidents,had it yesterday at j4b m4,guy decides to STOP on inside lane whilst coach and truck behind him have to take abrasive action to avoid flattening him and hes oblivious to it all!!!

Drivers who leave at junction then rejoin,just to make up 40 secs!! :smiling_imp:

People who refuse to use “all” the slip road.

Drivers who think that putting indicator on gives them the god given right to pull out straight away. :smiling_imp:

My pet hates.

Beverley bell end.
French coppers,
MP’s without back bone.
RHA without back bone.
FTA without backbone.
Handing keys in.
Women who say no i don’t like it like that.
People who think about buying caravans.
Fat birds.
Lane hoggers,
Speed limiters,
40mph limit,
Bad manners,
LItter in laybyes,

PMSL :laughing:

john c:
ever thought them 7.5 ton drivers might be class 1

Nah! They wouldn’t need flashin in in a poxy 7.5 tonner. :laughing:


People slating bulker drivers , name plates in windscreens , pitpony curtains and frilly guff in the windscreen

whilst coach and truck behind him have to take abrasive action to avoid flattening him

:open_mouth: That does sound serious, still, I guess skimming a few layers off is better than killing someone, what grade paper did you use?

Caravan drivers who use the spaces for trucks in the MSA’s. :angry:

Caravan drivers who think they are truck drivers,and flash you in,but won’t give you the time of day when they don’t have the wobble box on.

Caravan drivers who pass you at warp factor 9 in the outside lane of a motorway,when they shouldn’t be there.

Caravan drivers who have a 50mph sticker on the back,then come past you at warp factor 9.

Caravan drivers for just being,well,caravan drivers.

RDC’s who when tipping you,tell you after 3 hours of waiting for your paperwork,that they are rejecting 2 pallets,as it hasn’t been ordered.(Morrisons Swan Valley is a classic example.) Why does it take you so ■■■■■■■ long!!! :angry:

Handing keys in.

Security that won’t let you in until half an hour before your booking time,(Tesco Weybridge. :angry: ) but will let you in if they are desperate for the stock. What’s that all about■■?

Trailers that are loaded arse about face,and when you get to what is supposed to be your first drop,the office monkeys ask you if ‘just this time’ you can strip the trailer,and load it correctly.(I don’t think so. :angry: )

RDC’s that say they are refusing your load,because your 10 minutes over the half hour window for your booking time.Like I care. (Aldi.)

Vehicles that have not been fuelled up by the previous driver,and are riddled with defects that they haven’t bothered to book off.

Filthy vehicles.

Cars that fly up the outside lane at roadworks,and then expect you to let them push in.Why do you think the rest of us are in the ■■■■■■■ queue,you ■■■■■■■ :angry:

People,and this includes truck drivers,who,when you are passing them,accelerate.

Rant over.temporarily.


Harry Monk:
People who drive cars at 52 mph because they are pretend lorry drivers and make me have to overtake them just because like to flash their headlights at me, assuming that this means they are in some way in my Brotherhood.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

BRILLIANT…what about when you get a car driver who overtakes and is just waiting in the middle lane for you to flash him in…and if you do flash him in, it’s like a [zb]ing disco, with indicator flashes all over the place

ol had one of those the other day, only way to turn round was to back the trailer into their warehouse and get pallets and cars moved

If sent to Go Interiors in South Bermondsey be warned

I go there on average once a week, and they are the nicest bunch of lads you could wish to meet. Always get a brew while tipping.
Admittedly the building site is a pain in the ■■■■, but it won’t last forever, and there’ll be room to turn around at the top of the yard again when they’re finished.
As for turning an artic round there, its a doddle. Young Spencer who drives the forkilft knows exactly what and when to move before you even ask him. Nothing is too much trouble for him.
No problem :wink: :wink:

Caravan drivers who use the spaces for trucks in the MSA’s. :angry:

Caravan drivers who think they are truck drivers,and flash you in,but won’t give you the time of day when they don’t have the wobble box on.

Caravan drivers who pass you at warp factor 9 in the outside lane of a motorway,when they shouldn’t be there.

Caravan drivers who have a 50mph sticker on the back,then come past you at warp factor 9.

Caravan drivers for just being,well,caravan drivers.

Rant over.temporarily.


Well, I do 3.5 out of 5 Ken, do I get a prize? :laughing:

when you get too warehouse/rdc, etc, find the booking in window, that is well staffed, and yet, on the way in, you’ve turned into the invisible man, as none of the [zb] can see you, or here your occasional cough/rustle of the paperwork :unamused:

Easy answer to this one, take your Hi Vis off,they’ll soon realise you’re there then.