Personal Use of HGV

Hi Guys,

I’m planning a trip across Europe next year and was deciding on what vehicle to convert into my home on the trip.

My idea truck would be an 18ton insulated box truck as the weight I would carry water and items inside and going off grid for a longer period of time. (I’ve converted campers ect in the past)

My problem is there’s not much help online with regulations my question is can I buy a 18ton box truck and use accross Europe also do I need to have an operating license and does it need to have 6 weeks regular checks. As it’s just personal use I’m getting mixed signals online

Thanks for the help

Have you seen this?

Hi bud,

Yes I’ve read it previously. I’m not to bothered about changing body type due to by law you only have to change it if it looks like a camper. But it won’t look it will look like a box truck but when rear tail is down and and shutter is up you’ll see that intact inside is a truck.

I might be wrong on the laws on this. But I’ve seen others convert HGV into tiny homes they are maybe not changing the log book

If the Gendarme or BAG stop you, and you are driving a truck that looks like truck, has no caravan fixtures, has a truck Log Book, what will they say?

I believe that some owners of historic vehicles have used old low loaders to move their own vehicles around Europe, but it quite clear what is going on there.

If the V5 says “Goods Vehicle” then you will start with them wanting all the regular goods docs etc.

This isn’t the right forum. Have a look at those who’ve actually been through the same process, plan to do the same thing and see h ok w they’re dealt with the challenges

I’m in Canada so a different set of regulations but the most important here is the one that says there should be a direct access from the drivers seat to the living quarters. This messes up the change from commercial vehicle to motor home and upset my change for my 16 tonner.