Personal attack ! One rule for one again

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I wish to make a formal complaint to the Managing Director of RBI against Rikki Chequer for launching a personal attack against me by adding “The Official TruckNet Troll” under my username.

Rule 3 states :

Rule 3 also covers Personal Attacks. Attack the post but not the poster.

As there is no post by me for Rikki Chequer to attack then this constitutes as personal attack on me by him, and is therefore in breach of his own rules. :open_mouth:

And furthermore :open_mouth: , when scanialady142 complained about her “Doom-monger” title it was removed by Rikki Chequer straight away without question and again a second time when it had been put back again. Therefore I expect to see either :

  1. my title removed immediately and a formal apology from Rikki Chequer for the personal attack, or
  2. scanialady142’s “Doom-monger” title re-instated with immediate effect as the same rules surely apply to all members ! :bulb: :bulb:

:wink: :wink:

Actually, I want to be subtitled “The Official TruckNet Paraffin Lamp” if you’re reading this Rikki.

But Rob,
You told me it didnt bother you? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And if you think that your childish actions of adding labels to my username will bother me in the slightest, think again!

and you have said that you didnt see a problem with ranks beiong added if they were appropriate

as a “influential” member said

How is “Doom ‘n’ Gloom” an insult ? It seems perfectly reasonable to me considering what comes out of her mouth everytime she opens it. What’s the issue?

Lets paraphrase that a little keeping the same context…

How is “Official TruckNet UK Troll” an insult ? It seems perfectly reasonable to me considering what comes out of his mouth everytime he opens it. What’s the issue?

:wink: :laughing: :laughing:

We have a few Official tags for our “special” members, I thought you would be honoured to be bestowed with one…

After all you once told me

Its only the internet and a bit of fun,

Of course if you little feelings are really hurt you could request it to be removed…
I will of course add it to my ever growing list of things to do. I am sure I will get round to it eventually. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Rikki my sweet…Can I be “Senior Member” please? Pwetty pwease? Wiv fluffy clouds and leaping lambs and everythink? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

As i said … i am sure I can get round to that too… eventually :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:


But Rob,
You told me it didnt bother you? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It doesn’t bother me in the slightest !!!

But you’re not getting it. :unamused: I am quite prepared to sit here and have mud and ■■■■ slung at me from all directions, physical objects or verbal ones, it doesn’t bother me - sticks n stones and all that.

BUT, what does ■■■■ me off no end are the wimps on here that have no sense of humour whatsoever and jump up and down banging their drums when their ikkle feelings get hurt and then go running off to the likes of you and your pal Spardo screaming “PERSONAL ATTACK !!!” :unamused:

Instead of ignoring them and telling them to stop being wimps like I’m expected to do, you don’t. Within 5 mins I find my PM box filled up with official warnings from moderators and then a big inquest begins into it. :unamused:

Well sorry pal but it doesn’t ■■■■■■■ work with me. If you want to go around dishing out the official warnings and disciplinaries every time some minion on here says “jump!” then two can play at that game and I will personally make sure that your PM box remains full to the brim with complaints from me everytime someone says something that could hurt my ikkle feelings too, and if they don’t get dealt with then I’ll start copying them to the RBI chiefs. :unamused:

In the 5 years I’ve been on here I have never once made a complaint to you or any of the admins about someone having a go at me in a post (and that is a LOT of times because I’m an outspoken guy) quite simply because words don’t bother me. Even right now I can see four personal attacks against me in the Canadian thread but have I made any complaint to you about them? No. Have you done anything about them? No. Has anyone else done anything about them? No. And you know that is because I’m not bothered by it.

Now if you want to start getting heavy-handed about it and start dishing out warnings whenever someone starts blubbing over something I wrote then be my guest, but rest-assured that I too will waste no time in stooping to their same childish levels and also scream “personal attack!” (the reason of this thread) whenever someone says something I don’t like.

Frankly I’ve got better things to do with my time than worry about a few not nice words and sending a complaint PM to you every 5 minutes, but if that’s what it takes then I’ll do it.

Your choice.

but if that’s what it takes then I’ll do it.

Cool thats what I am here for…

Will add yours to the long list of complaints I get and will deal with them in due course.

Mind you all the complaints I have recieved (except one) since New year have been about one member, and strangely enough I havent PM’d that member about 90% of them as they were on review deemed frivolous or not in breach of the rules.

If you want to complain to my Boss go ahead, his e-mail is on the website. I am sure he will be glad to hear from you.

Great! Glad we’ve got that cleared up! :slight_smile:

Now I look forward to you either

  1. removing my title immediately and a formal apology from you for the personal attack, or
  2. scanialady142’s “Doom-monger” title re-instated with immediate effect as the same rules apply to all members, don’t they?!! :bulb:

Will add yours to the long list of complaints I get and will deal with them in due course.

Scanialady’s was removed immediately upon receipt of the complaint and changing the rank takes all of 30 seconds to do.

That then is proof that you are operating a one rule for one policy. :open_mouth:

Dear Rob,
I am so very sorry that calling you a troll upset your ickle feelings. At the time I gave you the title I felt it was an appropriate tag. Knowing of course that you would not be bothered in the slightest. I didnt realise that you were in fact such a sensitive fellow, and that was a severe misjudgement of mine

It seems I was wrong and again I apologise. I will try really really hard not to hurt your feelings in the future.

Yours remorsefully

There you go Rob,
Nasty title gone now… All better ■■
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dear Rob,
I am so very sorry that calling you a troll upset your ickle feelings. At the time I gave you the title I felt it was an appropriate tag. Knowing of course that you would not be bothered in the slightest. I didnt realise that you were in fact such a sensitive fellow, and that was a severe misjudgement of mine

It seems I was wrong and again I apologise. I will try really really hard not to hurt your feelings in the future.

Yours remorsefully

As you appear to have missed it, please see this post which explains quite clearly my reasons for making the complaint. :laughing:

Yes I read it,
and again I apologise for upsetting your feelings with the title " TruckNet UK official Troll".
:wink: :wink:

Yes I read it,
and again I apologise for upsetting your feelings with the title " TruckNet UK official Troll".
:wink: :wink:

Apology accepted :laughing: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: but my feelings were not hurt in the slightest. I was simply making a point that what’s good for one… :wink:

Ok now boys…Time for your bottle and then bedtime. :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

As long as mines Glenmorangie :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

No chance. Your pocket money doesn’t stretch to that. SMA Progress and a 'nana for you boy…as long as you’re good that is. Because if you’re not, then you won’t get the 'nana. :stuck_out_tongue:

:cry: :cry: :cry:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
