Perm c+e job hinckley, leics - newbies welcome

NOTE: - I called the company and they stated that newly qualified CE drivers are welcome but would prefer someone with ‘moving industrial plant’ experience

Job No:HIN/38663
Wage £8.50 PER HOUR
Duration Permanent
Date posted 19 March 2010
Pension details No details held

Must be age 21+ For legal requirements. Applicants must have previous experience however some training can be given to suitable applicant. Applicants must have current clean licence however some minor points will be considered. Applicants must have digital and/or manual tachograph card. Duties include, driving and delivering and collection of equipment to. site and all other associated duties as required. Employer states that the hours of work of a Saturday are 7.30am to 12.00pm .Exempted vacancy — Employment Equality Act (Age) Regulations 2006.

You can apply for this job by telephoning 01455 616066 and asking for Mr Whetton.
J B Tool Hire

am a bit weirded out this is the 3rd time HINCKLEY, LEICS has been mentioned to me today for totally unrelated reasons :open_mouth:

Applied for this one but it is not a definate job just yet.

The existing driver might be relocated to their Coalville depot (apparently he doesnt know this yet unless he reads this forum) as they are busy in Coalville. So they are starting to gather details in case they require a new driver.

. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Welcome Driveaway :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .

Applied for this one but it is not a definate job just yet.

Fingers crossed for you…

Forum with some useful stuff and Forum for questions on drivers hours

Thank you Rog!

I have been a member of this forum for over a year but didnt realise I hadnt posted before ‘sorry’. It has been a great help, offering advice and ideas. I passed my Class 1 nearly 18 months ago but have only had temporary contracts on and off since. So still hunting for that permanent job!

I have been a member of this forum for over a year but didnt realise I hadnt posted before

Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2006 - Just a little over 1 year :wink: :laughing:

I got to interview stage with a plant company, just days after passing my C&E, really wish I had got that job :frowning: