Periodic cpc or initial cpc?


I got my class 2 entitlement since 2000 and class 1 since December 2009.

Do I need to get Driver cpc initial qualification before I can work on artics or do I just need to complete 35 hours periodic cpc before 9/9/2014?



I got my class 2 entitlement since 2000 and class 1 since December 2009.

Do I need to get Driver cpc initial qualification before I can work on artics or do I just need to complete 35 hours periodic cpc before 9/9/2014?


You can’t do the class 1 before class 2 so you must have the dates the wrong way round :wink:

Anyway, if you passed Cat C (class 2) in December of 2009 it was after the Driver CPC started so unless you already had Cat C1 on your driving licence you would need to do the initial DCPC before you can drive commercially.

However, if you passed the car driving test before January 1997 you would have had Cat C1 on your licence before you did the Cat C test, in which case you would not need to do the initial DCPC but would need to do 35 hours periodic training before 9th September this year in order to drive commercially.

So it boils down to when you passed the car driving test.

Car test passed before January 1st 1997.

  • You need to do 35 hours periodic DCPC training.

Car test passed after January 1st 1997.

  • You need to do the initial DCPC modules 2 and 4.

Thanks for the answer

dates are right,please read again.

Once again tests passed:
cars - 2000
class 2 (cat. C, rigids) - 2000
Class 1 (cat. C+E, artics) - december 2009

Class 1 (c+e) done 9 years after class 2(c).

My question is can I drive articulated lorries or do I have to do initial cpc course first?


Thanks for the answer

dates are right,please read again.

Once again tests passed:
cars - 2000
class 2 (cat. C, rigids) - 2000
Class 1 (cat. C+E, artics) - december 2009

Class 1 (c+e) done 9 years after class 2(c).

My question is can I drive articulated lorries or do I have to do initial cpc course first?


Car test passed before January 1st 1997.
â—¦You need to do 35 hours periodic DCPC training.

Car test passed after January 1st 1997.
â—¦You need to do the initial DCPC modules 2 and 4.

Sorry, somehow I was reading that wrong :blush:

Anyway lets see if I can get my head together :smiley:

You passed the Cat C in 2000 which gives you acquired rights to the DCPC which started in 2009, that acquired rights also covers you for artics.

There’s one DCPC that covers all goods vehicles, so you need to do the 35 hours periodic training before 9th September.

Sorry, somehow I was reading that wrong :blush:

Anyway lets see if I can get my head together :smiley:

You passed the Cat C in 2000 which gives you acquired rights to the DCPC which started in 2009, that acquired rights also covers you for artics.

There’s one DCPC that covers all goods vehicles, so you need to do the 35 hours periodic training before 9th September.

er so what you posted initialy is wrong then Tacho ■■

Car test passed before January 1st 1997.
â—¦You need to do 35 hours periodic DCPC training.

Car test passed after January 1st 1997.
â—¦You need to do the initial DCPC modules 2 and 4.


er so what you posted initialy is wrong then Tacho ■■

My brain was having a blond moment :frowning:

The OP passed Cat C in 2000 so he has acquired rights.


er so what you posted initialy is wrong then Tacho ■■

My brain was having a blond moment :frowning:

The OP passed Cat C in 2000 so he has acquired rights.


That’s gotta be a 1st drinks on Tacho then :wink: :wink:

Let’s go to the best point.

I am trying to confirm what I found just today.

This is a quote from (Driver CPC training for qualified drivers: When to take training - GOV.UK)

You could have the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) through ‘acquired rights’ if you’re already a professional lorry, bus or coach driver.
Who has ‘acquired rights’
You’ll have ‘acquired rights’ if you’re a:
lorry driver and got your vocational licence (C, C1, C+E and C1+E) before 10 September 2009

So I had category C at that time but I did not have C+E.

And some more from

Driving a larger vehicle and adding trailer entitlements
Your ‘acquired rights’ don’t allow you to drive a larger vehicle of the same type or drive with a trailer if this isn’t on your vocational licence.

You’ll have to pass the lorry driving ability test to do this.


You’d have to take the lorry driving ability test with a C+E vehicle combination if your vocational licence was only for a category C vehicle.

As I understand I can drive rigids but if I wanted to drive artics I would need to pass the lorry driving ability test (what modules of initial cpc? or full?)

And now hypothetical question:
What if I have been driving artics for last 3 years because I was not aware I am actually not entitled to do it?

You need 35 hrs of dcpc by a 19th September, after that date you cannot drive hgv’s for hire or reward I.e a job . Last 3 years doesn’t matter as dcpc not come into effect yet according to your dates

You need 35 hrs of dcpc by a 19th September, after that date you cannot drive hgv’s for hire or reward I.e a job . Last 3 years doesn’t matter as dcpc not come into effect yet according to your dates

:open_mouth: think you mean 9th :wink:

And some more from

Driving a larger vehicle and adding trailer entitlements
Your ‘acquired rights’ don’t allow you to drive a larger vehicle of the same type or drive with a trailer if this isn’t on your vocational licence.

You’ll have to pass the lorry driving ability test to do this.


You’d have to take the lorry driving ability test with a C+E vehicle combination if your vocational licence was only for a category C vehicle.

As I understand I can drive rigids but if I wanted to drive artics I would need to pass the lorry driving ability test (what modules of initial cpc? or full?)

And now hypothetical question:
What if I have been driving artics for last 3 years because I was not aware I am actually not entitled to do it?

That borders on being gobbledygook the way they’ve written that, what it’s saying (though not very clearly) is that DCPC acquired rights don’t give you the right to drive vehicles of a category that are not on you’re licence.

As I said before, your acquired rights count for all classes of goods vehicle, you would only need to do the initial CPC if you passed the PCV test and wanted to drive buses/coaches.

Thanks guys.

It seems I understood it wrong, however it’s not very clearly written.

By the way
deadline for periodic cpc is 9/9/2014
So let’s say on the 10th Sept I need to have card (DQC) with me?
Or just completed 35 hours and waiting for a card ? (I suppose there will be at least a week before I get a card delivered to my door?)

Thanks a lot again

So let’s say on the 10th Sept I need to have card (DQC) with me?
Or just completed 35 hours and waiting for a card ? (I suppose there will be at least a week before I get a card delivered to my door?)

  1. Yes, if you’re driving commercially on or after the 10th September you will need to carry a DQC and be able to produce it.

  2. If you’ve done the required periodic training and not received the DQC you will not be committing an offence by not carrying it with you.

Paragraph 4 - Article 11 - The Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) Regulations 2007

Stop referring to rigids artics classes and other forms of the different types of LGV and stick to LGV on its own because the DCPC refers to LGV as a whole not different types of LGV

If a commercial LGV driver held any LGV from C1 to CE on 09/09/2009 then they are in the LGV DCPC periodic system and the system will not allow then to take any LGV initial DCPC