people on here

Well i just had some time on my hands so i read more posts (past and present) than usual (i need to get out more). On the whole (stupid expression i know) most people seem to get on and the conversations are excellent to read. I have noticed that some are more aggresive than others and plenty dissagree and are not shy in venting their theories/views etc.It is very refreshing to read and digest these comments,some of which are funny some of which are really serious about the topic.Looking at the posts as a collective rather than single it is quite obvious that 99% of the members have a high intelligence and a very good knowledge of what you all talk about.
The best posts by far seem to be the dairies and stuff where by we all learn were everyone goes and does, they are most enjoyable and very articulate in there prose.Some of you could work the lancs and yorkshire pubs as story tellers (which is held in high regard at certain places).
The main point i am trying to make is that if (and thats a big IF) we could get the public to read these posts maybe (and thats a BLOODY BIG MAYBE) we could be elevated from the lowest of jobs to some where up the ladder a little.

This is a post with tounge in cheek please do not take it to serious just my thoughts which i wanted to share

is it not worty of a reply if so no worries

Maybe it’s the general public who are reading? :wink:

Yeah i’ve got a reply for u…

Looking at the posts as a collective rather than single it is quite obvious that 99% of the members have a high intelligence and a very good knowledge of what you all talk about.

Bloody funny… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The main point i am trying to make is that if (and thats a big IF) we could get the public to read these posts maybe (and thats a BLOODY BIG MAYBE) we could be elevated from the lowest of jobs to some where up the ladder a little

no it would just re-enforce their belief that…HGV drivers r thick…and good for nothing else :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

so super you think all truck drivers are thick or have i missed the point. what do you do for a living then?


It’s not uncommon, take my last diary 357 views, 12 replies (3 being mine) and many of those the same old people. I sometimes wonder whether to bother or not as the comments do give you an incentive to do it. However 357 views is pretty decent and it’d get a bit boring if everyone replied with a simple acknowledgement rather than further discussion.

It is quite interesting to look at the memberlist and see how many have never posted or have been members for ages and hardly posted at all.

I think it’s the shock of a compliment Gezt! We’re not sure how to deal with it :laughing:

I take it you said 99% to accommodate supersmiley :question: :unamused:



It’s not uncommon, take my last diary 357 views, 12 replies (3 being mine) and many of those the same old people. I sometimes wonder whether to bother or not as the comments do give you an incentive to do it. However 357 views is pretty decent and it’d get a bit boring if everyone replied with a simple acknowledgement rather than further discussion.

I’d suggest that the amount of views of a post is most likely the better indication of its worth than the comments/replies. You build a reputation, especially the regular diary posters, and it’s that that brings back many of those that read lots but post little. It is my undertanding that the amount of views is perhaps more important to the overall success of the site than the number of replies. Of coure, one can’t/won’t happen without the other but i’m sure you get my drift. :wink:

While we’re on the subject, I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, your diaries (as well as many other’) are a good read. I’m following the idea of “if everyone replied with a simple acknowledgement rather than a discission [it] would be boring” - there are also some ‘one word reply number of posts builders’ on here though!!

I’d suggest that the amount of views of a post is most likely the better indication of its worth than the comments/replies. You build a reputation, especially the regular diary posters, and it’s that that brings back many of those that read lots but post little. It is my undertanding that the amount of views is perhaps more important to the overall success of the site than the number of replies. Of coure, one can’t/won’t happen without the other but i’m sure you get my drift. :wink:

While we’re on the subject, I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, your diaries (as well as many other’) are a good read. I’m following the idea of “if everyone replied with a simple acknowledgement rather than a discission [it] would be boring” - there are also some ‘one word reply number of posts builders’ on here though!!

i agree totally :wink: I read most diaries, if theres something in them I want to comment on I do but it just gets silly if every diary is followed by hundreds of post saying “nice diary” or “nice pics” :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Well i just had some time on my hands so i read more posts (past and present) than usual (i need to get out more). On the whole (stupid expression i know) most people seem to get on and the conversations are excellent to read. I have noticed that some are more aggresive than others and plenty dissagree and are not shy in venting their theories/views etc.It is very refreshing to read and digest these comments,some of which are funny some of which are really serious about the topic.Looking at the posts as a collective rather than single it is quite obvious that 99% of the members have a high intelligence and a very good knowledge of what you all talk about.
The best posts by far seem to be the dairies and stuff where by we all learn were everyone goes and does, they are most enjoyable and very articulate in there prose.Some of you could work the lancs and yorkshire pubs as story tellers (which is held in high regard at certain places).
The main point i am trying to make is that if (and thats a big IF) we could get the public to read these posts maybe (and thats a BLOODY BIG MAYBE) we could be elevated from the lowest of jobs to some where up the ladder a little.

This is a post with tounge in cheek please do not take it to serious just my thoughts which i wanted to share

i think you make a very good point but i think most people make there minds up about lorry drivers by what we do on the roads, i.e 10 mile overtakes, not moving out for them when there comming down slip roads etc etc so i doubt reading what a great bunch we are would make much difference even though a good idea
as for the forum i think some have that bit of devil ment in them and like to say black if everyone else says white, we all have our moments when we feel like causing a stir and its very easy when you have a keyboard in front of you and not the actual person :wink: at the end of the day no one gets hurt so no harm done

gezt I take it that you’ll be wanting to borrow a fiver then…? :laughing:
Truckers are always suspicious of compliments. I mean,where’s the fun…?

Well i was thinking about having someones job instead cos i work agency but a fiver of each member will do. :smiley:

If the general public read a lot of the posts on here they would probably want to get even more freight on the railways than before.