Pentalvers (Cannock) up for sale?

Looks like Pentalver don’t want Bowmur’s after all !!

Don’t blame em, in the very unlikely event that I had to go back truck driving, they are the last company I would work for… :exclamation: :laughing:

Don’t blame em, in the very unlikely event that I had to go back truck driving, they are the last company I would work for… :exclamation: :laughing:

After having been made redundant by these last March and it then taking a whole 48 hours for them to ring me and ask me to go back on a temp contract (I said if you wanted me to stay on a temp contract you should have just said - and the answer would have been the same - No ta!), I think I’m of the opinion - it would literally have to be the very last option I had.

Re. the news (albeit from Sept 09), I aint suprised - always been rumours about them shutting up, selling off etc, ever since I was a kid (90’s onwards) one of which obviously proved to be true when Pentalvers bought Bowmurs.

The only factual thing I know and this may just be a coincidence, the “trampers yard” futher down the A5 towards Muckley Corner/Lichfield which had been up for sale but filled with trampers trucks has been completly empty for a couple of months, but TBH it just looks like they moved them up to the main yard.

Looking back at when I was there - I lost count of the amount of times (I mean not once or twice I mean 10+ in the 6 mths I was there) about 30+ on average, sometimes more of us, would hang around for a few hours on nights seeing if we were needed to run out to the ports and then stood down and told to go home - we still got paid - it didnt take a brain surgeon to work out the bubble was going to burst.

So whoever buys it - I hope they arrange a better contract/arrangement then whatever they had at that time.

Anything else I could add would just be gossip or rumour - however entertaining and far fetched.
(and whoever still goes to Felix on nights - give my regards to the bloke on Pentalvers gatehouse with glasses/leather jacket - my life has been infinitly less stressful since no longer spending hours enquiring to exactly where my HAZ paperwork is and how the hell do you lose a 40ft Box (them not me) for approx 4 hrs.