Penalty points!

Hi there, my Car licence has recently been endorsed with 6 points!!! Can i still take and sit my C1/Class 2 training with 6 points■■? I realise it may affect my chances once passed, but it is a longer term investment for me to be honest anyway. Hope you can help guys!!!

so long as you have a cat b license then yes

so long as you have a cat b license then yes

The only way you can be stopped from taking a DSA test is if DVLA refuse to give you a provisional LGV licence and that usually only happens, where endorsements are concerned, if the TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER blocks it.

Example - a driver applies for LGV provisional but has 11 points on licence for say, dangerous driving etc and they are recent so the TC decides that they are too much of a risk at this time for an upgrade.

Thanks guys!!! you have set my mind at rest a little!!! BTW, my offence was exceeding a 30mph limit!!! not TOO serious!!!

Thanks guys!!! you have set my mind at rest a little!!! BTW, my offence was exceeding a 30mph limit!!! not TOO serious!!!

Did you get six points for that or did you already have three? The reason I ask is because six points for one offence is often deemed worse by insurance co.s than two 3 pointers.

They have been known to refuse LGV prvisionals to guys who have either drink or drug related points on the licence.

mrpj, i got 6 for the one offence!!! i honestly didnt realise the speed i was doing!!! it WASNT A residential road BTW, it was a 30 limit for some reason. One perfect Sunday afternoon at 2pm, out jumps plod with his hairdryer, BANG TO RIGHTS!!! NOT BIG OR CLEVER, and im pretty ashamed, but I dont want one absent minded ■■■■-up to ruin my chances of sitting my C1/Class2 training. :cry: :cry: :cry:
I just want to put it behind me because i AM a safe, competent driver. Surely everyone deserves a second chance :question: :question: :question:

Surely everyone deserves a second chance

If they learned from an experience and make a positive effort not to do it again - yes :smiley:

Many do not learn and do the same thing again and again - someone who rear ends another is 3 times more likely to do it again :exclamation: :exclamation:

I heard that there was some ruling about hand held speed guns that insists that the holder of the gun be completely static , ie seated or leaning on a static object as if the holder is moving then the speed will be a false reading.
thats what I heard - can anybody confirm this?

hmm, interesting mother trucker!!! this prat was jumping up and down like a man with his trousers on fire!!! I thought the “recorded” speed at the time was a little high!!! To add insult to injury, the colour of my car was noted as Silver, when in fact it is a colour called Quartz Blue!!! a kind of pale blue/grey affair!!! Im beginnin to think I should have protested more!!! :imp: :imp: :imp: