pay per mile

thetruckersreport.us6.list-manag … de336051fc

Interesting though it is - that’s not in Europe where it would already be frowned upon to pay by the mile and drivers are paid by the hour - just maybe not all of them :wink:

Interesting though it is - that’s not in Europe where it would already be frowned upon to pay by the mile and drivers are paid by the hour - just maybe not all of them :wink:

Think you’ll find this only a UK thing the majority of EE drivers I have spoken to are paid per km, last one I spoke to arrived in Auxerre Thursday evening to load Saturday morning and then to tip in NFT Crick on Monday morning a distance of roughly 750km minus the ferry even he knew he was being ripped off by his boss as he was paid per km. This is why we are so easily undercut a driver being paid for one days work while sitting for nothing in the lorry for two days. Never asked him how many zloty he was paid per km but bet it isn’t much probably have been lucky to earn the equivalent of £40 from Thursday night to Monday dinnertime

Mandatory Hourly Driver Pay Proposed In Senate -

Interesting point at the end about driver’s daily commute to work. How many times on here have we seen people looking for work within an hours drive? An hours travel to work turns a 15 hour day into a 17 hour one, and thats assuming no delays on the journey. IMO thats a huge factor in road safety.

hi guys im english but run usa /canada thats where report is from over here all long haul is paid by the mile unless u on daily local work . pay by mile in euroworld is illegal now . the situation here is not good for a driver there are few good companies but in the main drivers here are treated like dirt thats the way its always been here but slowly small improvements coming thru 1 example is canada where u can legally drive 13hrs a day which soon gets rather stressful with planners still trying to push you but just got elog now so mainly running legal :smiley:

Captain Caveman 76:

Mandatory Hourly Driver Pay Proposed In Senate -

Interesting point at the end about driver’s daily commute to work. How many times on here have we seen people looking for work within an hours drive? An hours travel to work turns a 15 hour day into a 17 hour one, and thats assuming no delays on the journey. IMO thats a huge factor in road safety.

upto only 1hr away. o have worked and know other who work or have worked several hours drive by car away from home & fortunately only make that journey a couple of times each month,
Sometimes are not required to drive until next day (earley starts), or drive for only a few hrs, same when returning to the depot if too tierd to drive home ,sleep in truck before driving home