Pawsons Rotheram

Anyone have any contact info by anychance or worked for them

Don’t know if it’s true,but I’m lead to believe they’re on a set hourly rate,no matter what hours you work.


Timborosso is your man he works for them but im not sure if he comes on here any more, He uses Truckersworld more than this one might be best to try him over there.

A mate who works there told me last week that they aint setting anyone on atm I actually got a start there 6 months ago, did the induction day then didnt go back, spose it was a choice between working there for £7/hr, or regularly on agy for £8/hr. though i did a couple of days there on agy since, though it is a bit boring same old stuff

they’re using plenty of subbies at the mo, so you never know.
two lads came into the steelworks for abs from there earlier in the year, reckoned the job was sound enough, decent tackle and wages etc but it was a bit boring, same, same everyday sort of thing.
do believe they’ve got a website.