pawson news

if anyones bothered :slight_smile: … cence.html

well good luck to them and i hope its lesson learned. i am pleased to see the directors arent sat on theirs arses in sunnier climes counting their money. :wink:


Concerns had been raised by dealer Keltruck over the sale of numerous vehicles and trailers by the former firm, when finance was still outstanding on them.

i think that is downright disgraceful and they should be made to pay.

Several drivers lost quite a lot of money when the old company went under, and will have to claim from the liquidators, though i think that they`ll be quite a long way down on the pecking list of getting paid. Even only a token sum

Im somewhat curious about lgamstons fasination with pawsons over the past several months, has lgamston become pawsons own version of an eddie spotter?

lgamston …G`won fess up, have you ever actually worked for pawsons in the past, and do you have 1st hand experience or knowledge as an employed driver, office bod, or as an agency driver on the Braithwell site?

no i think he is called ian. he is just 21 or less and lives down the road from pawsons and wanted to drive for them.

nah am not a pawson fan :slight_smile: , i work for ABS DISTRIBUTION in rotherham at minute in garage been there since i was 16 now im 21 hoping to get out on road though soon when someone gives me a start, dont know what it is about pawsons but ive always liked there motors never worked for them though are owt.

jessicas dad:
and wanted to drive for them.

He may get his chance yet, i suspect the pawsons pheonix will rise rapidly from the ashes, from previous experience,so long as hes willing to work for wages lower than anywhere else in the area … good luck to him.

Though I do wonder if the family are trying to paddle up river through flooded rapids …
there are several of my friends who lost their jobs when the previous company went under, there are also several TN members who worked their too

peirre do you know noza, gazza and yogi they used to drive for them a couple of years back they are at ABS nah.

nah am not a pawson fan :slight_smile:

Phew I though you might have your own VW camper van painted in the company colours

i work for ABS DISTRIBUTION in rotherham at minute in garage been there since i was 16 now im 21 hoping to get out on road though soon when someone gives me a start,

you may be wiser staying where you are atm, at least you got a wage

peirre do you know noza, gazza and yogi they used to drive for them a couple of years back they are at ABS nah.

the names ring a bell, but since there was a rapidly revolving door full of drivers there its hard to tell


don`t you mean Now?

no a mean nah

Several drivers lost quite a lot of money when the old company went under, and will have to claim from the liquidators, though i think that they`ll be quite a long way down on the pecking list of getting paid. Even only a token sum

Normally, salaries and wages take absolute preference over any other
payments in a company liquidation.

Lets hope this is the case.

i think that they`ll be quite a long way down on the pecking list of getting paid. Even only a token sum

Not so - they will get all their money either as preferential creditors or from the government scheme.

The losers are the poor suppliers who probably wont get a penny

Given that E Pawson had a total defficiency of something like £3.2m (of which £2.3m was trade creditors) there are going to be some upset folk out there. I get the feeling Keltruck are none to happy either. The number of seriously annoyed people may also rise once Lombard/Clydesdale Bank start looking for the return of their assets - there’s about 26 tractor units and 30 trailers out there that are ‘disputed’.