Patras ferry disco video :wink:

3min 57 of my life I will never get back after watching that, I must be missing something?

It just shows how crap the disco was on the ferrys to Patras

No that’s not crap, I love watching stuff as bad as this I find it hilarious after a few beers.

Been there done that got the t shirt . when it was
karageorgus lines the crew used to try and get the
drivers up to do it for a laugh , and yours truly
obliged them and kept falling over . That was
after a half bottle of Metaxa .
Good fun and a very good laugh . Free drink for
having a go .Incentive bonus hehe .


Been there done that got the t shirt . when it was
karageorgus lines the crew used to try and get the
drivers up to do it for a laugh , and yours truly
obliged them and kept falling over . That was
after a half bottle of Metaxa .
Good fun and a very good laugh . Free drink for
having a go .Incentive bonus hehe .


Nicest crewed ships crossing to Patras…