Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

And another one Dennis

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Geez, those trotters must eat a lot. :grin:



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Few picked up from various F/B groups

I’d have sacked him before he got out of the yard, screwing the trailer round like that. Why not reverse in, or if that was not possible, turn the trailer around before it was loaded?

Hi Dennis, nice to see you posting here, but forgive me for checking on your memory … :face_with_monocle: but are you certain that the SED/ATK with 8 LXB Was not 1 of the unaccounted for 39 Guy BigJ’s :sweat_smile:, also great to see you picking up the reins to try and bring Mr C.F. on the straight and narrow once again…

Keep it up

E.W. :clap:

What the great CF DOSENT know could be written on the back of a postage stamp with room to spare !

Sticking with the equines for a moment this photo is from 1964, my Grandfather with the last horse he owned. Went by the name of Silver.

Just curious, where were these pics taken Dennis?

There is a wild rumour circulating in the road haulage industry that our hero INVENTED the double dolly in a rope while still at infants school with nothing more than a bent 6" nail and a short piece of string. Now that’s greatness. :laughing:

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In the South East the big square load would have been from Bowater Scott in Barrow and would have been for either Spar or Co-op Retail. The returned pallets were stashed behind the headboard then the 20 ton of woodpulp was loaded at Tilbury back to Milnthorpe. Not sure where the load of reels was shot.

Done a bit of work in it’s time by the looks of it ! What was it’s work ?

Thanks. It looks like some sort of military establishment in the background, possibly a hangar. Also the security fencing.

A bit of Metcalfs Heavy haulage Reading services

He had to move the cones to get out Ade

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Sadly never seen it do a days work, by the early fifties all the horses, carts,hearses had gone and I think Silver was the last foal that Grandad had and he kept it more as a hobby and pet.
By the time that photo was taken most of the stables had been demolished to make room for wagons, a corner end was left to store Silcocks animal feed.
Silver was kept on a friends farm at Leamside near Durham and died about a year after the photo was taken.