Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

They should be tried for treason , the only crime you can still be executed for.

Ironically looking at the photo it looks like it’s been shopped by someone who doesn’t know the difference between a truck rear bogie v a car with independent rear suspension.
There’s no way that the rigid axle tubes and half shafts would allow that camber angle at the wheels.

I’m surprised HSE didn’t drag that driver’s mate off the platform for not wearing his cloth cap :rofl:

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Don’t forget the harness too :rofl::rofl::rofl:

How we were


I’d say Seddon for the truck on the right, but what about the one in the middle of the street? Leyland? Bristol?

1955 Bristol, stalwart of the BRS.

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Yeah Oily what a lovely pair of Bristols

Thanks very much, Oiltreader!

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Those shopfronts with sun blinds down take me back, virtually every food shop had them in town back then & the butchers shop at the end of the block where you’d always see the meat carcasses being carried in on their shoulders by the guys wearing white blooded overalls.

:joy: yes indeed - and we wouldn’t have called them guys either: they were blokes or chaps :wink:

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Yes you’d be right, I always remember the butcher as he used to smoke cigs & he put it behind his ear still lit whilst chopping meat, he had a big round nicotine stain around his ear. Always plenty of offal cuts & Mam always bought cow hearts & liver there. Heart with sage & onion stuffing butties were a thing of beauty.

I did a butcher’s round on a trades bike for a bloke like that. To protect my clothes I bought a fawn-coloured mac from the Oxfam shop (which had just been invented) and by the time I’d delivered dozens of packages of liver and meat on a drip-tray I used to arrive back at the shop looking like Dr Crippin!

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And getting called a “gay young blade” was seen as a compliment.

That’s a bit cavalier :laughing:

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It’s got Vauxhall to do with you what I get up to in my private life :wink:


and a ‘gay gaddabout’ was a mobile one!

Nice one buzzer --my home town ! .

One of the first big round balers about 1970ish, Buzzer
