Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

Tasty, tasty very very tasty, Buzzer


I drove an 88 for a while and I thought the dashboard swich was a bit odd but I got used to it!

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You were spot on Buzzer.

Few more on a Monday, Buzzer

This should satisfy VOSA,

Are we sure about this ?


I would suggest the Bedford CF wagon and drag is doctored on the basis the mudguards and axle at the front of the trailer are not steerable, as the mudguards appear to be set onto the chockrail just like the rear axles and therefore not on a steerable turntable!


That image has appeared on the “Home made sleeper” thread.

And here is the Family Woortman And Zoon.

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The Bedford CF is just one more picture made with Artificial Intelligence, or at the best by a skilled Photoshopper!

And there’s more, Buzzer


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Wrap up warm today.

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I misread that as saying ‘Albion in winter’ at first. :roll_eyes:

Re the white van tipper. I managed that with the corner of a container. I think it was the junction of the A1 and A52 where there was a service station and a transport cafe up the slope behind it. Only caused a few plastic plates from the slightly bent roof to come cascading down around my Atki, so no damage to it or me. I reported it back at base and heard no more about it.

Picture #1.Thorny Mighty Antar on the front, Foden on the rear ??

Foden FG yes, but isn’t the front one a Rottinoff?

It’s Sunters Rotinoff negotiating the roundabout just about 200 yards from their depot which was by the main eastern railway line in Northallerton.

“I tipped that van you asked me to boss.”

“So what you ringing me for?”


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Not sure I would have used the adjective, mighty, in relation to Bedfords.

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Neither would I, but the cab was a bit of a revolution, which is what I thought when I saw my first TK in about 1960.
Then, when I went to work for Midland Storage a mate had told me that they had KMs. ‘What’s a KM?’ I asked. ‘An overgrown TK’ was the reply. :wink:

BTW, off topic, where’s the smiley button gone? :frowning:

Just watched the first seconds of that video and I saw my first introduction to Darwin. I got off the plane at 4 in the morning, got a taxi into town and within a couple of hours I had some digs and a job driving one of those bonneted Bedfords. Don’t know it’s alphabet. :wink:

I was given a new TK 1964ish on car transport, “give that a try” said the TM I liked the cab all round vision good heater good brakes except for the transmission handbrake 330 engine struggled a bit when loaded, I was soon back on a Super Comet wagon and drag horrible cab specially the seat and no heater but I liked it, I wish I was sat there now best time of my life.
Anyway as they say in Yorkshire and elsewhere have a shooftie at this.

Big ratchet lever next to the door. Blooming useless.

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