Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

There was a cross dresser on for TNT many donkey years ago.

That’s George Michael’s old van.

Probably Brazilian made.

‘Gotta take a tilt over the water this evening’ could mean driving this onto the Woolwich Ferry…


…just saying, like.


Just do these multi-drops round London in this will you…


Took this pic in March 2022 when I was down visiting a customer in South Wales. Been meaning to post it ever since but never got round to it.

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More Fecin Pigs

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I used to drive pigs.

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Another fine example of a windscreen free from clutter :grinning:


Free from vision most of the time too :joy:

I’ve heard you’ve been with one or two an all.:joy:

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Nights out not a problem? Then you’ll enjoy a little run down the Algave in this :grinning:

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Weren’t we discussing this type of prime mover, recently?

Picture 1: Wouldn’t have wanted to be sitting that low. But why the window in the trailer bulkhead?

Picture 2: Cab nod in extremis! That reminds me of the reason we used to have to demonstrate to the driving examiner that we had secured the cab lock. Apparently, on an early HGV 1 test the cab had done exactly that trick on the emergency stop - whoops.

Picture 4: Is that an 8LXB I see before me?

Picture 5: I assume the driver has apparently oversteered the unit to allow the steerable trailer to run its trajectory to the kerb before straightening up (?)

Picture 6: This can be approximately dated by the Bathgate cabbed BMC. When did the Bathgate cab come into being?

Picture 8: Never a truer word spoken. The education system and the transport system both suffer!

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Not sure exactly when the Bathgate cab was introduced, we bought our last Albion Clydesdale tipper brand new on K reg plate (TPT 228K IIRC) with the LAD cab. Then our first Reiver with the “new” cab was an L reg (APT 826L) Was it not just an updated BMC cab ■■

Yes, you are right: an updated BMC cab. I’d always assumed that they were made at Bathgate too, but perhaps I’m wrong and the tooling was moved to Bathgate for BL later. Someone will know!

Could anyone explain me the difference between the LX and LXB Gardner engines? Bore & stroke are indentical; maybe a question of injection? Thanks

I loaded at Watsonian Squire yesterday, i video called a missus’s to show her the bikes and she said if theres one from 1960 you can have lol.

She came up with some excuses about it wasn’t registered on my birthday lol

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