Password changing

can someone tell me how you change your password on here please

I think its only something that Admin can do, but dont quote me…

Click -
user control panel
account settings

Now you can change it :smiley:

I think its only something that Admin can do, but dont quote me…

Nope all users can do it the way that Rog described.

[ZB] just realised I quoted you… :laughing:

Nope all users can do it the way that Rog described.

Does this mean that ROG got something correct? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ll have to read this again:

Nope all users can do it the way that Rog described.

You cannot be serious </John Mc Enroe voice>

Now I’ll read it with stronger specs:

Nope all users can do it the way that Rog described.

I don’t believe it </Victor Meldrew voice>

Oh well Col, seeing as you said he’s right, I guess I’ll belive it, but many wouldn’t. :wink:

:blush: Sorry ROG, I was only kiddin’ mate :wink: :blush: