Passed today - Phew, what a relief!

Passed Cat C this afternoon on the second attempt. Feet still haven’t touched the ground.
Probably going to try and get some Cat C experience for a month or two before going for Artic lessons. But, will think about it over the weekend while it sinks in. As the examiner said, ‘you are now a professional driver’.
Feels great :laughing:

Well done :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

now, what about that username :question: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Guess I’m gonna have to think about that over the weekend, too :wink:

Congratulations to the man with a van…soon to be a truck I presume?!?

I think the nicest moment after passing a test is when you watch the examiner slowly but surely filling out a big form reading “Practical Driving Test Pass Certificate” with your name and licence number on it…then you know that you really have ‘done it’!

You’ll have another pass certificate to join that 1 you’ve got today pretty soon by the sounds of it!!


:smiley: How about BigBoxVanMan

that way when you pass C+E you could be FortyFiveFootBoxVanMan :laughing:

Well done vanman. Really chuffed for you mate. I’ve got mine in 3 weeks & I’ve got butterflies already.
Enjoy the weekend ‘Professional Driver’ :slight_smile:

How about EXvanman

Go out there, get some experience and ENJOY!!!

Congratulations :slight_smile:
I hope to do the same soon.

Well done vanman. Does this mean you are changing your handle to truckman now? :laughing:

Well done vanman. Yes, it’s a great feeling.

congrats :smiley: hope i get that feeling soon!

well done vanman :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

well done professional driver man :wink: