Passed theory test

60 out of 60! whoopa!!

next (serious) question… i’m doing my C and C+E seperately, hopefully not by much, and only because of cost, I live on the wirral,merseyside, i’ve been talking to a nice bloke at a school called AJM Transport Training, his rates are good (i think!), less than £800…

Im wondering if anyone else has had dealings with him?

ta all…

congrats on passing the theory niall_y, im taking mine today at 11am :open_mouth: .
Good luck on your c and c+e. :smiley:

Well done niall_y :smiley:
Good luck rich32 :slight_smile:

This may be of some use

Thanks Rog passed with a 59 out of 60 :smiley: and the hazard perception 56 out of 70. so pleased, cant wait to get into the driving now, cheers all :laughing:

Thanks Rog passed with a 59 out of 60 :smiley: and the hazard perception 56 out of 70. so pleased, cant wait to get into the driving now, cheers all :laughing:

Thats a ■■■■ good result :smiley:
Remember to ask on this site about a good training provider in your area if thats were you want to train

well done guys those are top results. Just shows…study and prepare and you sail through it :slight_smile: Don’t go telling me you didn’t prepare lol

Good luck with you training :wink:

Thanks Rog passed with a 59 out of 60 :smiley: and the hazard perception 56 out of 70. so pleased, cant wait to get into the driving now, cheers all :laughing:

Well done guys. rich, that is nearly the same score as me, i got 59 out of 60 and 53 out of 75. I got one clip disallowed because i clicked too soon :open_mouth: for the hazard :unamused: .

thanks for the positive guys :smiley: . Yea i did revise…LOTS but it paid off in the end. :slight_smile:

yeah i got a “test cd” thingy for the PC, I was like i answered this today allready to every question, oh i got 62 on hazard perception…

starting my C training tomoro… went with AJM, was £810 including test for 4 days intensive…

pratical test thursday 23/8/07 8:30 am…

62 on the hazard perception thats cool man. :smiley: good luck on the cat C , let me know how u get on… :smiley: :smiley:

62 on the hazard perception thats cool man. :smiley: good luck on the cat C , let me know how u get on… :smiley: :smiley:

yeah i got that from remembering a tip my CAR instructor told me, click the mouse, count to four, click again… experienced drivers see any bike as a hazard I know I DO!! lol But those haz percep tests only want u to click when they think you should have seen it, which is after when i do!!!

Well done niall_y Very Happy
Good luck rich32 Smile

This may be of some use

cheers ROG, read through that and a lot of that I allready do with doing long (check my signature) distance in my sprinter van…

like i said start my C training tomoro, main thing i’m unsure about is turning left out of T junctions, I still sometimes clip the curb with nearside rear in my van (which by the way is extra-long-wheel base, so 4.5m loadlength + cab + enginebay approx 7m bumper to bumper), especially if its a tight exit onto a busy road…

Let us know how you get on with your training niall_y. One thing I noticed once I’d started my training (regarding you clipping the kerb) is I used to clip the kerb at the top of our street in my estate car. Funny thing is I have never clipped it since but its weird cos I am not concious I’m doing it.

I’m sure you will be the same when you start.
Cheers, Nige

help/advice is much appreciated…

It is now sunday evening, I am sitting at home contemplating my lesson i had yesterday, and my forthcoming lessons & test… and i’m worried…

the 4 over 4 'box design, and range select button that the scania im learning in has, i understand, thats not a problem, slow smooth changes ditto, i also have no problem with the size…

I do have a problem with the clutch… I think, with my experience of clutches, its on its way out, i’ve been driving a long time, and i haven’t bucked/bounced when pulling away for 99.99% of it, now however i feel like a bloody dumb-foot again, its just so vague, with no obvious bite point, so i don’t trust it when pulling off, let alone hill starts, once moving its fine…

and the gearstick doesn’t return correctly to between 1st & 2nd (5th & 6th), so you have to kind of hook it with your thumb to make sure when you push up it goes into 5th, which i keep overdoing and pushing it towards reverse leading to, obviously, a nasty grinding…

the problems above are REALLY annoying me… and is distracting me from fully taking in what the instructor is saying… i feel i should be spending my time (and large sum of money) on learning the procedures and technicalities of driving this class of vehicle, to ensure i pass my test, not basic clutch control and gear selection…

If I fail my test because of gear selection/clutch grounds will I have a right to complain? and if so who too? I have paid £839 (inc. test fee) for this…

should i tell my instructor my problems?

WELL DONE :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good Luck with the rest keep us all posted

any ideas on my previous post…

should i tell my instructor my problems?

yes, talk to your instructor, it may be a dodgy clutch or it may be just different to clutches you’ve used before ! but the only way to find out is to ask :wink:

Hi niall_y,
Congrats on passing the theory test with such a good score!!

I do have a problem with the clutch… I think, with my experience of clutches, its on its way out, i’ve been driving a long time, and i haven’t bucked/bounced when pulling away for 99.99% of it, now however i feel like a bloody dumb-foot again, its just so vague, with no obvious bite point, so i don’t trust it when pulling off, let alone hill starts, once moving its fine…

I agree with Denis F you should speak to the instructor. As a rough guide (IIRC) the bite/action shouldn’t be right at the top of the pedal travel. If it is, then it usually means that the clutch needs adjustment (some are self-adjusting) or replacement.

…the gearstick doesn’t return correctly to between 1st & 2nd (5th & 6th), so you have to kind of hook it with your thumb to make sure when you push up it goes into 5th, which i keep overdoing and pushing it towards reverse leading to, obviously, a nasty grinding…

TBH Niall, I wouldn’t expect the gearstick to naturally fall where you expect. My experience is that, when in neutral, a gearstick usually falls across neutral toward the “high end” of the gearbox. There’s a couple of reasons for you “finding” reverse too easily. Maybe the neutral isn’t as wide as you’re used to, or maybe you’re a bit heavy-handed or too quick. Try a slower/lighter touch?? I tend to think that (maybe) if it was either of those, the instructor would have told you. So maybe it’s a mechanical problem. If it’s an oldish truck, maybe the springs in the gearbox aren’t as strong as they should be.
The technical term for this is that too much of the newness has worn off them :wink:
Seriously though Niall, it’s your cash and you’re the customer. Having a word might clear up your concerns and shouldn’t cause you any grief.
Good luck and please keep us posted.

right o.k 3rd lesson down, heres a progress report…

did my gears & reversing excercises today, gears involved moving from a stop, then shifting from 1st to 5th using all the gears, then back down again, to a stop… easy… reverse excercise was to park in top right corner of an oblong yard, and reverse into an imaginary bay in the bottom left… even easier…

the instructor said to me today, and i quote, “you can drive the wagon, easy,”. which gave me confidence, I still however am making 2 mistakes, again and again…

Mistake 1; Gear selection, I am apparently using the wrong gear frequently, it doesn’t feel wrong to me, but either revs too high, or too low

Mistake 2; approaching hazards I know what im supposed to do, but I just cant do it!!

for example (remember us left side of road drivers!!), i’m approaching a parked car on left, and wiil have to cross the white lines onto the right side of the road… I know i’m supposed to check both mirrors, then indicate right, then position myself, then slow to appropriate speed selecting correct gear (which normally involves flicking the range switch and changing to fourth), then assess oncoming traffic, then either stop (again change down gear), or go through… I just can’t make myself do it correctly

with only one more lesson to go i’m not confident of passing, i’m confident in my driving, and have not put the wagon in a position which may cause an accident…

I’m just too full of habits (bad?) from 10 years professional van driving…
