Passed theory and HP :)

There are 4 modules that make up a commercial driving licence if you passed your car test after 1997. The CPC module 4 will give you a DQC card which will be valid for 5 years. In the following 5 years you will need to attend 35 hours of CPC training to renew your commercial entitlement.

If you passed it before 1997 you only need to do 2 modules, the theory and the practical, as the CPC is covered by acquired rights until 2014 when you should have completed 35 hours of CPC training to drive commercially.

Thank you for the reply, i was getting a tad worried reading this thread :laughing:

Well it’s not free. It’s just included in the cost of the course.

Actually, it IS free and is certainly not included in the cost of the course. Obvious question is “why”. Answer is that, by offering genuinely free B+B, we start lines of recommended customers that otherwise wouldn’t know we existed.

If we are to be really picky about it, the B+B charges are allocated to our advertising and publicity budget.

Just wanted to put the record straight.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Well that’s me told :slight_smile:

Well that’s me told

Still friends? :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

Of course :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Well it’s not free. It’s just included in the cost of the course. I believe John at Flair Training does it too so long as your home Post Code is more than 70 miles from their base.

Much like Pete ours is free. The all inclusive package we offer costs the same with or without the accommodation.

It has been said previously on the board that although travelling distance is a consideration it should not be the number 1 reason when choosing a trainer. Obviously it becomes a pain if a retest is neccessary and it makes assessment drives difficult.

Buying a LGV course is not like buying a Big Mac where they taste and cost the same everywhere in the country. You will only buy a LGV course once and therefore need to consider many factors before deciding.

Ok. I surrender. You both caught me out :-/


Well it’s not free. It’s just included in the cost of the course. I believe John at Flair Training does it too so long as your home Post Code is more than 70 miles from their base.

Much like Pete ours is free. The all inclusive package we offer costs the same with or without the accommodation.

Ah, but that’s not quite the same as saying it is free. There is obviously expense incurred in running a B&B, and this is ultimately paid for by the customers, what you are actually saying is that the B&B is cross-subsidised by students who do not take advantage of the opportunity to stay there. :wink:

Harry…I surrender too

I don’t but I cant be bothered to argue on a Sunday afternoon! Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I think what Pete and John are saying is that they have a seperate pot of money for the costs incurred from the b+b. So therefore the outgoings from the cost of the course do not include accommodation.

However my argument would be that the money has to come from somewhere. And I’m pretty sure it’s not from directors’ wages

Wow! haha cant believe the convo ive just had with him.

He rang me back this morning, i was unable to take the call so ive just rang him back. I had to remind him who i was, when we spoke and why i was calling but even then i dont think he rememberd me.

He obvoiusly didnt remember our conversation, i asked did you get any test dates available for Feb, he said “you need to tell me when you’re available” :unamused: so i said my schedule has been completed upto the 12th so if you let me know a test date after then i’ll book it off and the day before so we can have a trainging session then. He said “i might have the 16th available” so i said ok i’ll book off the 15th & 16th and take them as my days off. He said “ok so we’ll start your training on the 13th” ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!

I was close to hanging up right then, we were just going around in circles. I dont think my patience could tollerate this guy, he asked me to come down to the training ground tomorrow to sort it out that way but in the back of my mind i dont think i will be :confused:

Wow! haha cant believe the convo ive just had with him.

He rang me back this morning, i was unable to take the call so ive just rang him back. I had to remind him who i was, when we spoke and why i was calling but even then i dont think he rememberd me.

He obvoiusly didnt remember our conversation, i asked did you get any test dates available for Feb, he said “you need to tell me when you’re available” so i said my schedule has been completed upto the 12th so if you let me know a test date after then i’ll book it off and the day before so we can have a trainging session then. He said “i might have the 16th available” so i said ok i’ll book off the 15th & 16th and take them as my days off. He said “ok so we’ll start your training on the 13th” ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!

I was close to hanging up right then, we were just going around in circles. I dont think my patience could tollerate this guy, he asked me to come down to the training ground tomorrow to sort it out that way but in the back of my mind i dont think i will be

Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. If I were you I’d be considering my options. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Looks like you could be having a nice trip to Mansfield :wink:

I have only just come across this thread hence the long gap since the last post. What it boils down to is that you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

I pride myself in giving customers honesty and the best service possible for the money they spend with a great effort given in getting them through the tests. I called the customer back the morning after the 5pm time he was given. gave him dates and asked him to visit our depot to arrange dates for test. Now if that is not how most LGV training companies operate then please let me know what you do.

What I don’t like most about this thread are the other LGV trainers hovering around like vultures giving their so called professional advise regarding other LGV training companies when they know nothing about that company.

We have been established 17 years and have a great working relationship with the DVSA examiners at our local test centre with a very good pass rate.

Hopefully the person who posted this thread will have a bit of LGV driving experience, and might now have a little bit more understanding of life on the road and be a little bit more understanding.


AJM Transport Training

SMM Business Park
Dock Road
CH44 3EG

Good to have feedback from the other side because we usually only get a view from one side

We know there are always 2 sides to every issue in a case like this

I hope you stay with us and give us the benefit of your experience and guidance as many other trainers currently do :smiley:

Its frustrating how people are quick to complain at the drop of a hat but in this case the hat hadn’t even hit the floor before he was posting non complimentary comments on here. Sometimes people cut their nose of to spite there face. How did he know I hadn’t misplaced his number or written it down wrong. Thank god most people will just give me another ring!

Having read this persons other threads I see he didn’t pass first time with whoever he chose to go with and who knows what would have happened if he had trained with me and we will never know. All I will say to potential pupils reading this post as to what AJM Training is like, Please have a look at the link below and make your own mind up.

I have noticed myself that although there is plenty of good advice on this forum it can easily ‘go bad’, this can be said for any forum, its the nature of the beast as I see it. There isn’t a company in the UK without some negative feedback because no one single driving school is right for everyone.

In my experience the level of expectation has a lot to do with it, it would seem the customer above was looking for a customer service experience that a small driving school can’t offer. We have full time office staff at our company which costs us a fortune, but it does mean we can book training quickly and correctly at any time of the working day. But, not everyone wants that - some want the service of a one truck operation for other reasons.

At times on this forum we have a miss match of customers and trainees, such is life, I would like every other post after mine to try and be positive, its not worth being anything else, the customer no doubt has his licence by now. It looks like AJM does a good job and I doubt that this forum will do you any harm if you keep coming back, it has the potential to be a good instructor resource too, after all we do have ROG!

I wouldn’t totally agree with all of the last post with regards to the customer service experience being better if you pay office staff to answer the phones from 9 to 5. Have a look at Ryanair customer service feedback. And they are a very big company.

As we all know Hgv training brokers answer the phones from dawn till dusk with trained marketing people to give the hard sell to the unwary.


I was once going to train with AJM, until I discovered they take their test’s out of Wrexham, which has/had one of the worst pass rates in the country. Sometimes it’s the test centre’s that let the training school down.