eventually I passed my class 2 driving test, after failing last month.
But now I have the problem that when I try to register on the DVSA website to get my CPC card, this error comes up: DVSA records show that you do not have any training recorded yet.
I passed my CPC in August this year, and I have the diploma with a serial number. Then after failing my first driving test, I swtiched schools because the retest quote was too expensive, and I passed my practical driving test in November. Could it be that the old school didn’t pass this information on the DVSA ? I e-mailed the DVSA but I haven’t got a reply yet. Any ideas ?
1 - Do you have a pre-1997 licence to entitle you to do periodic DCPC?
2 - Have you done 35 hours DCPC?
If the answer to both is yes then the DQC card is automatically sent to you by DVSA, there is no registration required to “request” it
If the answer to 1 is no, then you need to do mod2 and mod4 to get your DQC (the card that shows you’ve done your DCPC)
If you mean you have taken the TM-CPC and that is the certificate you refer to as “a diploma”, then you ought to know that does not equate to DCPC hours: DCPC and TM-CPC are totally different beasts.