PASSED, Good times :D

Hi folks

After failing my first attempt badly I can happily say that I have now got my class 1 license yaaaaaaaaay :smiley: at last. Almost screwed up the reversing exercise again but did one shunt to get myself out of it. Got a few minors for gears and clipped a curb going round a very tight (or ā€œcozyā€ as my examiner called it) roundabout but thankfully got let of that one, phewwww!

So now I have my license back with the new category added Iā€™m keen to get started. At the moment Iā€™m working for an agency driving for a builderā€™s merchant on a fairly good salary and know the job inside and out so will miss doing it but ultimately I want to increase my salary.

Ideally, Iā€™d be looking to work for a large retail chain (i.e.) Tescoā€™s, Morrisonā€™s, Asda, M&S and so onā€¦ Anyone know a good starting point, what would be my first port of call? I donā€™t even know whether these firms employ drivers directly or through agencies.

Would appreciate any help



Well done on the pass

At the moment I would stay where you are until thing pick up if it is on going

You could try all the agency in your area as im with a few

Good luck

Congrats well done ,good luck for the future.

Congratulations on yourC+E pass johnnybucks :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

hi mate and congratulations :smiley: :smiley: its a great feeling aint it,with regards to the job front as i am finding out most companies including supermarkets want the dreaded 2 years experience,you could try agencies but personally i would stay where you are at present its still uncertain times.
Im in a similiar position to you ,very frustrating i know when you just want to get driving the artics,but i know where i am in kent everywhere i tried said need experience altthough tescos said get a couple of months then call them,whereabouts are you?and please think carefully as agencies can promise the earthā€¦

congratulations mate, great feeling when you pass, i only passed my class 1 two weeks ago. as for lookin for a new job, i would stay where you are for a while if i was you, all agencies i have tried say you gotta have 6 months - 2 years exp before they will take you, soooooooo frustrating, i have folllowed a bit of advice i got on here and gone directly to transport companies, had a interview today, so thats probably your best bet, good luck and congrats again :smiley: :smiley:

Congratulations on the pass

Jennie x