Parking Up

When you park up at a UK service area and they charge you for it, isn’t that called SUB LETTING?

I didn’t know that they could do that legally. Maybe they can!!

Does anyone know about this sort of thing??


almost all msa’s will charge you for parking,this normally includes a meal get nothing free in this country nowadays m8. :wink:

i was told ages ago by a dutchman that if running under c.m.r. regulations you dont have to pay for parking…he said that he just shows his c.m.r…dont know how true it is…i`ve yet to try it…

i was told ages ago by a dutchman that if running under c.m.r. regulations you dont have to pay for parking…he said that he just shows his c.m.r…dont know how true it is…i`ve yet to try it…

Hmmmm!! Very interesting that one is truckyboy. Thanks

That actually used to be the case, however due to the fact any vehicle now entering the uk has entered the ec before reaching the uk, goods are in free movement within the ec and the old ruse of the cmr has gone. Also I think it was about 10 years ago when the subletting clause for all msa was changed allowing them to leagally charge for parking. As previously stated you don’t get owt without paying anymore.

When you park up at a UK service area and they charge you for it, isn’t that called SUB LETTING?

i call it day light robbery