Parking Fine at Lym Services

Yep. :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Cover up the number plate and drive out, problem solved.

you would have to cover up the plate to drive in too or it will record that you’ve been in there for days on end.

But if you covered it up on the way in it, and not on the way out it would be clueless :smiling_imp:

The latest on the subject…

You have no right of appeal under any circumstances

Now all 200 vehicles on our fleet will not be using Lymm Services… :angry:

The latest on the subject…

You have no right of appeal under any circumstances

Now all 200 vehicles on our fleet will not be using Lymm Services… :angry:

■■■■■■■■… you always have a right to appeal. :imp: :imp: :imp:

i would follow every appeal going and make it a very lengthy process, see if you can wear them down.

Our traffic office has now barred all 200+ vehicles on our fleet from using Lymm… :exclamation:

Our traffic office has now barred all 200+ vehicles on our fleet from using Lymm… :exclamation:

it’s ok to do that but i’m sure that moto don’t look to see what companies are and are not using their facilities.

perhaps a better way forward would be for someone from your company to contact a moto representative to discuss the problem of the new number plate recognition system in place at the lymm truckstop site and point out that until it has been resolved your drivers have been instructed not to use the moto services other than for the free amenities, that your company have advised it’s drivers that money spent at a moto service area will not be reimbursed but any other service area will be.

that might get their attention.

i was in lymm last week and was horrifed by the new efficient system :laughing: gone are the days when you went to get a ticket at the barrier and the machine was broke…yippee,free parking :smiley: with reference to what coffeeholic said,i thought the same thing,if they use number plate recognition cameras,just cover your plate!! its just an idea.WARNING dont park in the coach bays by the building,a bloke in the cb shack told me 3 figure fines are being dished out in a no nonsense,robbing b*****d kind of way :open_mouth:

Our traffic office has now barred all 200+ vehicles on our fleet from using Lymm… :exclamation:

I do hope some one from Lymm Management reads this Forum… :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :imp: :imp:

this does however pose another problem - foreign vehicles are not recorded at DVLA and so they can park overnight without paying and without risk of pursuance for the fee’s and fines involved - welcome to england where we hassle our own people to death but leave the foreigners alone to wander where they like free of charge and without fear of prosecution.

Oh goodie!!! so in my yellow plated truck, I now know where I can park for free :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You have no right of appeal under any circumstances

I’d like to see them make that stand up in a Court of Law!!!

I dont use Lymm and havent done for years. It was ok when it was a wooden transport cafe :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway. A private parking company getting vehicle details from DVLA to support a private enterprise. :open_mouth:

I would let this go to court as far as possible and be prepared to swing for it.

Do they send you a Notice of Intended Prosecution to fill in and admit you parked there?

Wheel Nut:
I dont use Lymm and havent done for years. It was ok when it was a wooden transport cafe :stuck_out_tongue:


Nor me. Poplar cafe, and Poplar Transport behind. :slight_smile:
What a soulless place it has become. :cry:

Believe it or not its on the roundabout where you meet the cars coming from your right… :imp:

I`ll look for it the next time I go in there, I was in saturday and noticed that the barriers are now missing, that may be why their ALL missing

Might be worth a look at the Consumer Action Group website forums. They have a specific section on parking tickets.

It wouldnt bother Moto if no more trucks ever stopped at Lymm because they would prefer it to be a retail park with M & S, Thorntons Chocolate and Car Phone Warehouse paying them rent.

A coach load of 52 tourists is going to spend more money on Shortbread and bags of Charcoal than a tight arsed trucker anyway.

They dont want you to park there. So Dont :smiling_imp:

Until Motorway parking is free these gippo clamping firms are just going to spread like a festering boil

This whole thing could just be part of a plan to stop trucks parking on all MSA’s. This will be of immense benefit to the owner of the site as they will no longer have the strong smell of urine lingering over their premises. Makes you wonder if the clamper’s are actually taking the ■■■■ or just trying to stop it.

There is a constant call for more parking to be provided for trucks but who in their right mind would open a truck parking area when within days of it opening it would just be one giant urinal? Not to mention the costs involved in buying chemicals and equipment to constantly clean the area.

Nor me. Poplar cafe, and Poplar Transport behind.
What a soulless place it has become.

that was when it had the giant lorry park where there used to be the helicopters at the back… i think it was a helicopter school.

There is a constant call for more parking to be provided for trucks but who in their right mind would open a truck parking area when within days of it opening it would just be one giant urinal? Not to mention the costs involved in buying chemicals and equipment to constantly clean the area.

i quite agree neil. are they taking the ■■■■ or trying to stop it.