Parking Fine at Lym Services

stuff em

got one for parking in the coach bay’s at corley

hey i was touchin cloth i only just made saw the dude on the way in told him where i had prked and why as i had a dose of the squit’s he said i had 5 min’s return’s 5 min’s and a bit lighter and the ickle gimp had ticketed my truck they wanted 80 quid :open_mouth: went looking for him could’nt find him found the manager instead explained my plight her responce was sorry love nowt to do wiv us !!! thought bollox to em returned to base told gaffer he say’s it’s your responibility blah … long story short that was 2 year’s ago not heard nowt about it and still have’found that little gimp

Why on earth didn’t you just fly in the garage Gonzo■■?

wheres the number plate rerading thingy on the way out ■■?

Believe it or not its on the roundabout where you meet the cars coming from your right… :imp:

Cover up number plate, drive out, stop, remove cover from number plate. Problem solved. :wink: :smiley:

If your Scottish, dont pay! English Civil Penalties are unenforcible in Scotland.
That also goes for Scottish Civil Penalties down south.
Vive Le Difference’!

If your Scottish, dont pay! English Civil Penalties are unenforcible in Scotland.
That also goes for Scottish Civil Penalties down south.
Vive Le Difference’!

Alex, Lymm services is Cheshire (or maybe Macclesfield), England. Not Scotland !!

interesting to note
that “i had a coffee from my flask”
and not when i came back from the cafe where i had spent some money
etc etc

interesting to note
that “i had a coffee from my flask”
and not when i came back from the cafe where i had spent some money
etc etc

I don’t think that would make any difference when it comes to being fined tbh.

interesting to note
that “i had a coffee from my flask”
and not when i came back from the cafe where i had spent some money
etc etc

Yeah, if you’re a Crime Scene Investigator maybe !!!

interesting to note
that “i had a coffee from my flask”
and not when i came back from the cafe where i had spent some money
etc etc

Over the 20 odd years I have been driving trucks up and down the M6 I have stopped at Lymm many many times, I have spent money in the cafe and lots of money in the CB shop… :confused:

I know Lymm is in England! At least it was 3 weeks ago! (Only a joke! No offence!) The point I made was if they send out a civil penalty notice, this is un-enforceable in Scotland, Ireland or abroad. It is only valid in England & Wales. ie:- We are ‘Foreign’ to English Civil Law, which is why Gretna Green was popular for marriage, our law allows marriage at 16 unlike E &W which is now 18 and used to be 21. This does not apply to penalties issued by police or traffic wardens.
Vive Le Difference’!

Believe it or not its on the roundabout where you meet the cars coming from your right… :imp:

so your not actually in the park then are you ■■

our law allows marriage at 16 unlike E &W which is now 18 and used to be 21.

Minimum age for marriage in England is 16, with parental consent or permission of a court, see

I stand corrected.

i think it’s absolutely pathetic and petty minded but quite possibly nothin at all to do with moto.
there is a new system in place and it is operated by a seperate parking company to what we have all got used to, parking eye, car park management now manage the parking at lymm it is also parking eye which employs the wheel clampers, parking control management (uk) ltd.
the system has been completely changed from it’s previous operation, you now get your number plate read by a number plate recognition camera on entry to the site and as leave your number plate is once again read on exit.
number plate recognition relies upon information from DVLA at swansea.

i would probably say that no human is involved in the time frame for payment, i would suggest that it’s all computer operated so the system records an overstay without payment for parking and automatically isues the appropriate paperwork for a fine to be sent to the vehicle owner, the vehicle owner is responsible for the parking fine and not the driver of the vehicle.
the registered keeper should pay the fine then seek reimbursement from the driver.
if you are a driver and employed by the owner of the vehicle you may want to point out that they are in contravention of the data protection act, they cannot release your details without your permission unless it is believed you have commited a criminal offence and it is the authorities that is seeking the information.

at the end of the day though - 2 minutes overstay could be argued that an attempt to leave on time had been delayed by vehicles manouvering on site or a better delay would be that coach passengers had delayed your departure by walking around the busy first lane as the coach they were in was illegally parked in the truck ranks.

anyone stopping at lymm now has to pay inside the shop or cafe and you now have to enter your truck registration number into a computer screen so get it right or you will get a fine for that too as your number will not be correctly entered for recognition against the vehicle registrations recorded by the ANPR camera’s.

this does however pose another problem - foreign vehicles are not recorded at DVLA and so they can park overnight without paying and without risk of pursuance for the fee’s and fines involved - welcome to england where we hassle our own people to death but leave the foreigners alone to wander where they like free of charge and without fear of prosecution.

Cover up the number plate and drive out, problem solved.

Cover up the number plate and drive out, problem solved.

you would have to cover up the plate to drive in too or it will record that you’ve been in there for days on end.


Cover up the number plate and drive out, problem solved.

you would have to cover up the plate to drive in too or it will record that you’ve been in there for days on end.

I wondered how long it would be before someone spotted the flaw in the plan. :wink: :smiley: No one picked up on I when I suggested it in an earlier post. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: I was hoping someone would run up a massive bill by doing it on the way out then going back a couple of weeks later. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:



Cover up the number plate and drive out, problem solved.

you would have to cover up the plate to drive in too or it will record that you’ve been in there for days on end.

I wondered how long it would be before someone spotted the flaw in the plan. :wink: :smiley: No one picked up on I when I suggested it in an earlier post. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: I was hoping someone would run up a massive bill by doing it on the way out then going back a couple of weeks later. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

You are evil you are:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: