Pam Mix now running the site?


Is it true then? :confused:

â– â– ?
Pam is an Admin of the site, and has been for ages, Lucy remains in overall charge of the forums and me in charge of everything else. :confused:

â– â– ?
Pam is an Admin of the site, and has been for ages, Lucy remains in overall charge of the forums and me in charge of everything else. :confused:

I just happened to notice that the PMs notification emails are no longer coming from Trucknet but instead from Pam’s personal email address, hence the question. :open_mouth:

I was wondering that too,lucy not posted for a while either

In an attempt to stop the spammers registering , we have put the new members accounts onto Admin approval, Pam has the unenviable role of checking each registration request and approving it,

To do this effectively her e-mail is now the Admin e-mail of the forums, a by product of this is that the notificatiobns of PM’s etc appear to come from here e-mail , (something I had forgotton about ).


I’m about, just lurking quietly in the background… :smiling_imp: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahhhhh, so now I know I can rescue all those notifications from the ‘spam’ folder!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Bring back the ‘old’ system! (Or at least the email addy)

I’m about, just lurking quietly in the background… :smiling_imp: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

always though you were a shirker :laughing: :laughing: not a lurker lucy :laughing: :laughing:

Shhhh…You never know who’s reading this, Tel…Don’t want me getting found out… :open_mouth: :blush: :blush: :wink: