Hi all, I know there are countless posts on the negative side of owner operator start ups and having a haulage firm ‘in the family’ I’ve experienced the ups and downs but have a lifelong love of trucks and now being financially ‘comfortable ‘ after years of military service and sales management roles I wish to do what I want not what I have to in order to make a good living. I have read and considered the merits of leasing v purchase of a used truck and am confident that my decision on this suits my circumstance ie risk v reward and intend to gain my own clients directly with the caveat that I will need subby work to support this whilst establishing myself. I live in Cornwall and am considering livestock haulage and/or agricultural vehicle transport. I would appreciate and welcome any advice anyone is willing to give. Keep on trucking!
Can you find work on either the animals or the Deeres?
My first thought would be starting out with all the added hassle of dealing with Defra etc might not be the easiest way to get going so shifting a Massey or two for a while might be the better option. At least with a low loader style trailer you can always back load bricks/timber etc.
Oh and welcome to the forum.
Many thanks for your reply, that definitely makes sense and having experience driving tractors should suit my strengths and abilities. Cheers for the welcome too
How much driving experience have you got in the fields that interest you?
Livestock and agri-plant are quite out of the ordinary. The specialist hauliers you want to subbie for wont be trusting of a newbie. They will be more likely to give you work if you
ve already got a good track record with them as a driver. Someone known and trusted as a driver is halfway to getting on as a subbie, and then as an independent haulier.
Good luck to you, my two cents are that agri machinery movement is a fairly tough sector with plenty of established competition. Having said that your location may be an advantage as a lot of the ‘big boys’ are based further up country, often near what remains of our agricultural machinery production industry.
Make yourself known around the ag dealers, independant and franchise, the manufacturers, the auction houses etc. Gen up on when and where the big shows are; stuff like Lamma and Cereals can fill the best part of three weeks for me and I only run for two manufacturers
The work is there, if like myself you have a passion for the industry (industries) it can be very rewarding and enjoyable which is something you don’t often hear on this forum!
Should an ex para be allowed loose on the roads lol And I am guessing 1 para at that …!!! lol
Have you priced a livestock trailer because they are MEGA money!!!
You also need a special licence from DEFRA that involves an exam.
Machinery haulage is a cut-throat sector and you need to have the “contacts book” WELL filled up!!!
Would try subbing for likes of Gregory Distribution down there 1st.
Get cheap used unit on R&M and work there for couple of yrs see how it goes.
Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk
Should an ex para be allowed loose on the roads lol And I am guessing 1 para at that …!!! lol
Tell him that only angels and fairies have wings! My ex Para mates really love it when I tell them that.
the maoster:
Should an ex para be allowed loose on the roads lol And I am guessing 1 para at that …!!! lolTell him that only angels and fairies have wings! My ex Para mates really love it when I tell them that.
Airborne not chairborne. From an ex shiney arse
Unless you’ve realistically got access to 100k, and an immense desire to lose a lot of money, avoid livestock like the plague!
We lost out to local contractor doing our local work with a fastrac , dvsa don’t want to get involve. Most of the longer distance work is already sorted amongst the few doing it.
I’m not saying don’t become an owner driver, but that is an easy way to bankrupt yourself.
Unless you’ve realistically got access to 100k, and an immense desire to lose a lot of money, avoid livestock like the plague!We lost out to local contractor doing our local work with a fastrac , dvsa don’t want to get involve. Most of the longer distance work is already sorted amongst the few doing it.
I’m not saying don’t become an owner driver, but that is an easy way to bankrupt yourself.
You need to contact the DVSA Enforcement depart and make complaint official ref the Fastrac.
They’re then duty bound to at least investigate it!!!
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