owner driver

thinking of buying a 164 480 scania with around 600k on the clock. are they a good truck?? is there anything to look out for? whats the mpg like? can anyone help me out here? cheers. :slight_smile:

If it’s not been abused & the mileage is correct it should be a decent truck, you’ll need to work on keeping the fuel consumption down but they can be a very productive truck. My personal experience of a 164 480 is just a single trip with a fridge tipping Holand & reloading Belgium but it was a mates truck & he always swore by them, also the Irish ran loads of them and if the quoted 600k is right it will have lots of miles left in it.


thinking of buying a 164 480 scania with around 600k on the clock. are they a good truck?? is there anything to look out for? whats the mpg like? can anyone help me out here? cheers. :slight_smile:

Do you know its TRUE history :question:
What it a regular user of the magnet :question:
Maybe more like 1.2k on the clock :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

right! have done a complete u turn now and thinking of getting a daf 95 xf 430 2006 am i wise? :laughing: are the any good of a truck lads??

Big Truck:

thinking of buying a 164 480 scania with around 600k on the clock. are they a good truck?? is there anything to look out for? whats the mpg like? can anyone help me out here? cheers. :slight_smile:

Do you know its TRUE history :question:
What it a regular user of the magnet :question:
Maybe more like 1.2k on the clock :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

i checked it out its a complete rust ball! after seeing it i would say the magnet was used a lot! so is a no go for that truck anyway.