Overturned truck @ huntingdon

Morning all, just got to get this off my chest so here goes.

At 5am this morning I joined the a14 at Huntingdon (top of thre average spped camera zone) towards Alconbury, coming off of the island I saw a truck on its side cab on the armco etc and in a very poor way. I along with the other two trucks in front of me stopped jumped out an ran across expecting the worse. I in the process rang the emergency services, and his boss(s)-I sub for the same firm he works for.

To cut along story short the guy was still in the truck but alive, we could see him and were talking to him though the crash barrer and truck windscree. The police turned up first and with are help they got onto the ns of the cab and though the door, opened it and thank God managed to pull the guy out of the cab-not a scratch on him but very very shuck up.

Anyway my rant is: I would just like to thank the 2 or possibly 3 trucks and cars that drove round the truck on the slip road and never stopped, we know this happed as the guy in front of me was the accident drivers uncle, he had rung his uncle when he was trapped to tell him he was trapped and unable to get out and that no one would stop to help, luckily for him his uncle was on a night out at/near Huntingdon, but by the time we got there that was 15-20 mins later.

Thats it my rant over, I just hope that if any of you guys who drove past read this, then you feel guilty for not helping and I pray to God that this never happens to you the next time that you need help in an emergency and that someone will stop for you and not do what you did. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS INDUSTRY AND THE PEOPLE IN IT WHEN YOU WONT EVEN STOP TO HELP SOMEONE IN TROUBLE? JUST THE USUAL I’M ALL RIGHT JACK - I SUSPECT!

Its a sign of the times.
A camera can do you for stopping.
The boss can do you for leaving the cab.
The whole sorry business is down to H.AND S. and H.R. who are in charge although they have never worked at the sharp end.