
noticed lately that there seems to be a new trend to keep pace with overtaking hgvs,i had it twice today pulled out to overtake another hgv who was doing around 50mph, soon as I got beside him he suddenly found out where the accelerator was and started keeping pace with me, he only backed off when a slower moving hgv vehicle came from an entry ramp, he had no choice,then as I started going past the other vehicle he then put his foot down and again we were running side by side,if I pull onto a dual carriageway and another hgv who pulled out to let me out is struggling,i will click down a couple and let him pass,just don’t understand what is wrong with drivers nowadays,and they were not youngsters,around my age,53,the first driver glared at me as if to say why are you overtaking me.

:sunglasses: no one overtakes me feel a bit left out realy :smiley: :wink:

My record for Overspeeds was 17 in one night. Going over Windy hill to Manchester and back at 44t.

My record for Overspeeds was 17 in one night. Going over Windy hill to Manchester and back at 44t.

I’d be having Tea and Bikkies with my TM if I did that! :laughing:

As for drivers holding it back down the hills to stay under 56, I can only assume they don’t know how an overspeed works…

I ve only been driving for two months now. (Went class 2 then straight to class 1) I mainly do nights did days for a few weeks but much prefer nights. So what is the crack with over speed as my truck cruises at 85kph I set the over run to 8kph and it normally keeps it under 95khp but if it does creep to that I ll give the brakes a cheeky dab just to keep it under. So does it not matter on overspeed■■? Oh and yes I always flash in spent years watching truckers doing it and it might sound a touch ■■■■ but I don’t think of it as much as your clear to pull in but also a way of saying “hi fellow trucker stay safe” but hay that’s maybe me just wanting to be a trucker a bit to
Much lol

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I ve only been driving for two months now. (Went class 2 then straight to class 1) I mainly do nights did days for a few weeks but much prefer nights. So what is the crack with over speed as my truck cruises at 85kph I set the over run to 8kph and it normally keeps it under 95khp but if it does creep to that I ll give the brakes a cheeky dab just to keep it under. So does it not matter on overspeed■■? Oh and yes I always flash in spent years watching truckers doing it and it might sound a touch ■■■■ but I don’t think of it as much as your clear to pull in but also a way of saying “hi fellow trucker stay safe” but hay that’s maybe me just wanting to be a trucker a bit too much lol

Have a read of this mate: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=60105

The search function is your friend! :wink:


I ve only been driving for two months now. (Went class 2 then straight to class 1) I mainly do nights did days for a few weeks but much prefer nights. So what is the crack with over speed as my truck cruises at 85kph I set the over run to 8kph and it normally keeps it under 95khp but if it does creep to that I ll give the brakes a cheeky dab just to keep it under. So does it not matter on overspeed■■? Oh and yes I always flash in spent years watching truckers doing it and it might sound a touch ■■■■ but I don’t think of it as much as your clear to pull in but also a way of saying “hi fellow trucker stay safe” but hay that’s maybe me just wanting to be a trucker a bit too much lol

Have a read of this mate: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=60105

The search function is your friend! :wink:

Cheers I ll have a read

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I got glared at on the m6 today, came on north from the m58 two wagons kindly moved over to let me out and I flashed them back in, I was popping along at 53mph as the two in front where at this speed, one wagon from behind decided he was going to overtake me at that speed.
Fair enough, but he must have maxed out at 53mph so I backed off and flashed him in.
I pulled out to overtake him hitting 58mph (nippy sucker my chariote) the last guys face was indignant to say the least, he looked at me like [zb], I blew him a kiss :laughing:
I swear he punched the window, the knob :laughing:

Like it,that’s the best way really

I always flash people back in, (Well ok sonetimes i forget when im on autopilot), appreciate it when others do the same to me, especially in bad weather as my mirror heaters are useless, just a bit of professional courtesy. Kinda feel a little bad when someone comes back into lane and gives me the indicatir flip as a thanks when i didnt do anything!!

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Kinda feel a little bad when someone comes back into lane and gives me the indicatir flip as a thanks when i didnt do anything!!

I prefer that to when some absolute brainless ■■■■ ■■■■ :smiling_imp: cuts in on you when his trailer is level with your mirror.
Now that does make me feel a whole lot worse than "Kinda feeling a little bit bad’’ …No doubt one of the ‘‘I don’t need flashed in me, because I know EXACTLY where the back of my trailer is’’ brigade that we get on here…■■■■ heads of the highest degree the ■■■■ lot of em :smiling_imp:


Kinda feel a little bad when someone comes back into lane and gives me the indicatir flip as a thanks when i didnt do anything!!

I prefer that to when some absolute brainless [zb] [zb] :smiling_imp: cuts in on you when his trailer is level with your mirror.
Now that does make me feel a whole lot worse than "Kinda feeling a little bit bad’’ …No doubt one of the ‘‘I don’t need flashed in me, because I know EXACTLY where the back of my trailer is’’ brigade that we get on here…■■■■ heads of the highest degree the [zb] lot of em :smiling_imp:

I’m sure some believe when they swing back over leaving you a couple of foot that you will be impressed with their spacial awareness, they probably also believe that those who give you a trailer length before moving back over are doing so out of incompetence. The bigger picture is beyond their comprehension.

Bluey Circles:


Kinda feel a little bad when someone comes back into lane and gives me the indicatir flip as a thanks when i didnt do anything!!

I prefer that to when some absolute brainless [zb] [zb] :smiling_imp: cuts in on you when his trailer is level with your mirror.
Now that does make me feel a whole lot worse than "Kinda feeling a little bit bad’’ …No doubt one of the ‘‘I don’t need flashed in me, because I know EXACTLY where the back of my trailer is’’ brigade that we get on here…■■■■ heads of the highest degree the [zb] lot of em :smiling_imp:

I’m sure some believe when they swing back over leaving you a couple of foot that you will be impressed with their spacial awareness, they probably also believe that those who give you a trailer length before moving back over are doing so out of incompetence. The bigger picture is beyond their comprehension.

The tragic part of what you say is that I bet it is entirely accurate among the less intelligent quota of ‘‘drivers’’

It seems to be a pnenomenon that has only just came about in the last 10 years or so, in fact it was virtually never done between drivers once over.

Is it the fault of the driving schools ?
It would not surprise me, I see many are even teaching learner drivers to wear hi viz while driving nowadays.:unamused: (…the epitome of looking a complete ■■■■ behind the wheel. :smiley:) Maybe they are now prioritising on the likes of that now, rather than teaching them safe practices that are not necessarilly in the Higway Code, but what have worked for generations of drivers. :bulb:

My driving instructor was pretty sound on that front, he taught me what had to be done so the examiner wouldn’t fail you, but also plenty of common sense things to make life easier. There was no hi vis in sight anywhere. He also used to do a lot of ranting about idiot examiners and kept saying he’d be retiring soon, apparently he’s been saying that for about ten years.

Work for Lomas !
We never have that problem :laughing:

I ve only been driving for two months now. (Went class 2 then straight to class 1) I mainly do nights did days for a few weeks but much prefer nights. So what is the crack with over speed as my truck cruises at 85kph I set the over run to 8kph and it normally keeps it under 95khp but if it does creep to that I ll give the brakes a cheeky dab just to keep it under. So does it not matter on overspeed■■? Oh and yes I always flash in spent years watching truckers doing it and it might sound a touch ■■■■ but I don’t think of it as much as your clear to pull in but also a way of saying “hi fellow trucker stay safe” but hay that’s maybe me just wanting to be a trucker a bit to
Much lol

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Please never ever end a post with lol and not a full stop - you are not a teenager .

Presently I have non of the problems mentioned in this thread. I am enjoying breaking speed limits at will, driving the wrong way down one way systems, and overtake queues without a care. I have yet to get acustomed to shouting abuse though.