

Bluey Circles:

these type’s of thread’s crack me up… why do drivers want to be flashed in for … if you don’t know when your clear of the motor your overtaking you shouldn’t be driving you [zb]… its sad when I see other class 1 flashing in each other… get a [zb] life and cut the [zb] up … as for the overtaking I do it just to ■■■■ other fellow class one’s off … [zb] um…

I don’t want to cut others up though, I don’t like it done to me and I try not to do it to others. When I pass I like to give the other driver a bit of space and not left where he is effectively tailgating me, so when someone flashes me back in I then know they are comfortable with that space.

no good explaining to gsijay,he’s obviously not a very good driver,he has said as much in his reply

I was more concerned at him calling you an OLD [zb] - FFS you’re 4 years my junior and I’m still a young lad :smiley:

I just think gsijay is a bit of a prat really if I am to be honest. I know I have only been driving class 2 for a year but i have spent many years on the road with my dad in his artic, learning something new everytime, it just bewilders me with his attitude. I think if anything, he may be a steering wheel attendent instead of a driver.

I just think gsijay is a bit of a prat really if I am to be honest. .

Nothing gets past you bud. :smiley:

Personally I don’t give a ■■■■ if I am flashed in or not, at least the longer I sit out waiting for the flash (or not) means I don’t cut in on him to soon for his comfort, as this severely ■■■■■■ me off if done to me.

Thankyou robroy :smiley:

Thankyou robroy :smiley:

No probs :sunglasses: :smiley:
(sorry bud :wink: )

No prob, im a newbie van driver. 1 year experience so far. Lol :laughing:

I got glared at on the m6 today, came on north from the m58 two wagons kindly moved over to let me out and I flashed them back in, I was popping along at 53mph as the two in front where at this speed, one wagon from behind decided he was going to overtake me at that speed.
Fair enough, but he must have maxed out at 53mph so I backed off and flashed him in.
I pulled out to overtake him hitting 58mph (nippy sucker my chariote) the last guys face was indignant to say the least, he looked at me like ■■■■, I blew him a kiss :laughing:
I swear he punched the window, the knob :laughing:


gsi jay must be trucker jay in the uk. Just a not very good troll.


Uphilly and downhilly bits.

Use em to your advantage although if a heavier truck has just passed and a hilly section comes up where they are slower I won’t bother to overtake.

In fact if your travelling up the A14 and it’s pitch black and overtake a truck that instead of flashing dips their lights to signal you in, you’ve probably just passed me as not many do this now.
It’s a preserve night vision thingy whilst still being friendly.

Also if your on the A14 east bound and just passing the A12 exit and see a truck flying past down the hill, driver hanging on for dear life, white knuckling it touching 70mph, that’s me as well.
Same west bound by Welford and M6/M1 approach.
Knowing where the hilly bits are just adds to the fun.

Other fun slopes around Risby, Kettering, Woolpit, Orwell (60mph limit has spoiled that a bit) and just past the dead badger…
I know the A14 quite well.

Unfortunately Mr dipper a lot of drivers nowadays are petrified of an overspeed. They pass you, you flash them in, they see they have reached the incredible speed of 57mph and jump on the brakes. Now you are faced with he dilemma of slowing down and losing momentum before the next hill or jumping into lane 2 and hoping you can get it upto a decent speed to blitz them before the next hill.

I know the righteous brothers on here will say that you should slow down and sit behind the corporate clown that panics at the first sniff of an overspeed pre warning, but ■■■■■■■■ to that. Friday rules apply Monday to Friday!

Obviously if you are a driving God, with a mega truck, like perhaps a ■■■■■ 750, then you’ll just pass lesser mortals uphill and down dale.

I know the righteous brothers on here will say that you should slow down and sit behind the corporate clown that panics at the first sniff of an overspeed pre warning, but ■■■■■■■■ to that.

I reckon they would say …‘‘You’ve lost that lovin feelin’’ HS. :smiley:

Good point HS, followed one the other day braking at the start of a hill, im like wtf…
He wasnt even heavy, he was my brother…
Boom :slight_smile:


Good point HS, followed one the other day braking at the start of a hill, im like wtf…
He wasnt even heavy, he was my brother…
Boom :slight_smile:


I know the righteous brothers on here will say that you should slow down and sit behind the corporate clown that panics at the first sniff of an overspeed pre warning, but ■■■■■■■■ to that.

I reckon they would say …‘‘You’ve lost that lovin feelin’’ HS. :smiley:

I’m not old enough to understand your jokes[emoji6]

In fact if your travelling up the A14 and it’s pitch black and overtake a truck that instead of flashing dips their lights to signal you in, you’ve probably just passed me as not many do this now.
It’s a preserve night vision thingy whilst still being friendly.

Is this where your name comes from?

Do you actually mean switch your lights OFF then back ON again (something that was very common once) or do you mean you leave them on full beam till the trailer is past :open_mouth:


Good point HS, followed one the other day braking at the start of a hill, im like wtf…
He wasnt even heavy, he was my brother…
Boom :slight_smile:


I know the righteous brothers on here will say that you should slow down and sit behind the corporate clown that panics at the first sniff of an overspeed pre warning, but ■■■■■■■■ to that.

I reckon they would say …‘‘You’ve lost that lovin feelin’’ HS. :smiley:

I’m not old enough to understand your jokes[emoji6]

Yeh right :unamused: …we believe you.

Bluey Circles:

In fact if your travelling up the A14 and it’s pitch black and overtake a truck that instead of flashing dips their lights to signal you in, you’ve probably just passed me as not many do this now.
It’s a preserve night vision thingy whilst still being friendly.

Is this where your name comes from?

Do you actually mean switch your lights OFF then back ON again (something that was very common once) or do you mean you leave them on full beam till the trailer is past :open_mouth:

Just have em on normal then switch to side lights and back again briefly.