You are overtaking slowly but its clear you are eventually going to get past. But they sit on the limiter and make it ■■■■ difficult to do so while the rest of the traffic builds up behind cursing us both. Why the bloody hell don’t you ease off a tad and allow the overtake to go a bit quicker. Idiots.
Its no wonder they are talking of not allowing overtaking on the A12, and where else will follow?
I hate getting stuck behind people who block two lanes for mile after mile trying to over take if you 1/2 a mile quicker just hang back I’m lucky I’m normally get past quickly but it’s the gravity runners that get me when your just past then they knock it out of gear and under take
Rob K:
“but why should we ease off just because you don’t have enough speed to get past quickly?” etc etc.
That ones easy, the overtaken vehicle only has to ease off for half a minute whereas the overtaking vehicle to stay behind would have to ease off permanently.
I think it falls to either driver to make a decision over getting out of the way.
I normally allow five minutes before testing the main beam when I’m B+E and should be doing 60, not looking at the back of two trucks while every dawdling idiot I’ve passed in the last half an hour comes past in lane 3.
What ■■■■■■ me off is when I drop a few clicks because the fool trying to overtake me can’t.They realise there making themselves look a tool sitting on my back end in lane 2 with the traffic building behind them but won’t pull back in behind me as that would cast doubt over there machoness so I drop off a bit because I feel sorry for the absolute tool they are making themselves look then get my flys cleared off my windscreen and not even a thank you!now that ■■■■■■ me off more than someone leaving me hanging.
Each situation is differnt but in general my view is that if i need to back off to let the overtaker in, they have [zb] it up.
Some just don’t take the time to plan an overtake.
My bugbear is things like what happened to me today. Passing Argos artic on the A14, I’m about a third of the way along his trailer when he looks up and notices another truck merging in from the slip road. So straight on with the indicator, and starts moving across on me, because he’s in an artic, and I’m not.
Obviously I’m going to give in to him, because he failed to read the road.
WRONG! And waving and fist shaking and mouthing swear words at me won’t do anything either.
This subject will go on till eventually there will be a ban everywhere on overtaking I am on the overtakers side they have caught me let them go,must admit the harder it is to overtake a vehicle the less likely you will get a flash in just to make it even harder
Not much overtakes me but, when it does, I ease back.
However, I always fishtail my rear end with a flick of the wrist beforehand.
(That sounds a bit porny but Professional Drivers will know what I mean.
It’s to see if I’m pulling a tailgater along with me before I ease back 2mph.)
A competent driver would already be aware of what’s behind them. Professional drivers will know what I mean.
i’m with you lone wolf and will back off when i can, with no one else behind. otherwise the truck that was happy behind you now decides to come past, and the truck behind that etc…
What ■■■■■■ me off is when I drop a few clicks because the fool trying to overtake me can’t.They realise there making themselves look a tool sitting on my back end in lane 2 with the traffic building behind them but won’t pull back in behind me as that would cast doubt over there machoness so I drop off a bit because I feel sorry for the absolute tool they are making themselves look then get my flys cleared off my windscreen and not even a thank you!now that ■■■■■■ me off more than someone leaving me hanging.
Had the same when I was heading for Heathrow, where I noticed Monk heading in as I was heading out.
I sat there and clearly see he was finding it hard so I eased off and few MPH. He got past and as he was just past the cab he just flashed his orange light a few times and moved in with a few inches spare. Was not happy at all
What ■■■■■■ me off is when I drop a few clicks because the fool trying to overtake me can’t.They realise there making themselves look a tool sitting on my back end in lane 2 with the traffic building behind them but won’t pull back in behind me as that would cast doubt over there machoness so I drop off a bit because I feel sorry for the absolute tool they are making themselves look then get my flys cleared off my windscreen and not even a thank you!now that ■■■■■■ me off more than someone leaving me hanging.
Had the same when I was heading for Heathrow, where I noticed Monk heading in as I was heading out.
I sat there and clearly see he was finding it hard so I eased off and few MPH. He got past and as he was just past the cab he just flashed his orange light a few times and moved in with a few inches spare. Was not happy at all
Did you expect anything else? The guy is a trumpet.
If I haven’t got anyone behind then yes I’ll ease off, but as said before if you let off a little and someone’s behind will go to overtake and you will be the mug who keeps letting off for everyone.
What ■■■■■■ me off is when I drop a few clicks because the fool trying to overtake me can’t.They realise there making themselves look a tool sitting on my back end in lane 2 with the traffic building behind them but won’t pull back in behind me as that would cast doubt over there machoness so I drop off a bit because I feel sorry for the absolute tool they are making themselves look then get my flys cleared off my windscreen and not even a thank you!now that ■■■■■■ me off more than someone leaving me hanging.
Had the same when I was heading for Heathrow, where I noticed Monk heading in as I was heading out.
I sat there and clearly see he was finding it hard so I eased off and few MPH. He got past and as he was just past the cab he just flashed his orange light a few times and moved in with a few inches spare. Was not happy at all
Did you expect anything else? The guy is a trumpet.
Not that Monk bloke, but the driver of the artic. I think he wanted to show me how close he can get to me whilst driving