Overnight parking truck theft deterrent

This is what a self employed tradesman did to protect his van and his livelihood from pondlife scrotes after falling victim to the thieving ■■■■■ on more than one occasion.
Would be a good idea to wire up your diesel tank and/or trailer doors, and watch the ■■■■ s jump. :imp: …Love the way the Police object to it eh? :unamused:

He’s here demonstrating it.
Would love to see some of these ■■■■ s dancing around a lay by. :smiley:

He was on the news about a year ago.
Was fed up having power tools etc taken while on a job
Think in the end the police and h&s said he can’t do it.

Think in the end the police and h&s said he can’t do it.

Yeh?..That does not surprise me. :unamused:
What’s the difference between doing that and having say a barbed wire fence around your property.
The only reason that some ■■■■ is going to get potentially injured is if they are up to no good and/or doing something illegal, …who tf exactly would actually care if the ■■■■ s hurt themselves whilst doing so I’d be all for increasing the voltage and putting the ■■■■ s in the ground when you found them the next morning. :grimacing:
Law and order in this country is a ■■■■ joke.
As for the Police :unamused: …if they were on the ball instead of doing stuff like on the other thread, poncing around in a ■■■■ tractor unit, there would be little need for honest people to take these type of steps.


Think in the end the police and h&s said he can’t do it.

Yeh?..That does not surprise me. :unamused:
What’s the difference between doing that and having say a barbed wire fence around your property.
The only reason that some [zb] is going to get potentially injured is if they are up to no good and/or doing something illegal, …who tf exactly would actually care if the [zb] s hurt themselves whilst doing so I’d be all for increasing the voltage and putting the [zb] s in the ground when you found them the next morning. :grimacing:
Law and order in this country is a [zb] joke.
As for the Police :unamused: …if they were on the ball instead of doing stuff like on the other thread, poncing around in a [zb] tractor unit, there would be little need for honest people to take these type of steps.

So, until every last murder is solved no investigation of assault?
Until every mugger is locked up, fraud is not going to be investigated?
Lets all speed past schools, and park anywhere blocking road junctions and access then, because itll attract no punishment!

Yeah, I KNOW you didnt mean that. It is a question of degree, rather than absolutes. Having the occasional purge on speeding etc isnt devoting too much resource really I reckon. Having cars and cops on permanent patrol would be.
Doing nothing, ever, is to invite silly drivers to become dangerous drivers.

A few years ago I had a 6mm bright red electric cable attached to the inside of the mounting screw of my garden shed metal handle, next to it was written “Remember when the alarm is on the handle is live” one the outside was one of those Danger of death electric shock stickers. This was actually a joke and wasn’t wired up & the cable could only be seen when the door was open, which was usually when I was tinkering on the backyard with my car or motorcycle, and would usually attract the attention of the local pre teens who would gather watching my efforts and cussing fixing things. They where smart enough to notice said cable and the written warning, and one kid was curious enough to ask if you could die from the shock, so I told him yes. But surprisingly the whole ruse worked as an anti theft device because the kids believed it was real.


So, until every last murder is solved no investigation of assault?
Until every mugger is locked up, fraud is not going to be investigated?
Lets all speed past schools, and park anywhere blocking road junctions and access then, because itll attract no punishment!

Yeah, I KNOW you didnt mean that. It is a question of degree, rather than absolutes. Having the occasional purge on speeding etc isnt devoting too much resource really I reckon. Having cars and cops on permanent patrol would be.
Doing nothing, ever, is to invite silly drivers to become dangerous drivers.

No I didn’t mean it like that you’re right.
I would not go into it so deep in fact.

I form my opinions not on official rhetoric, or pr bs, but instead purely on things that I see,.what I hear (that I know to be true) ,.and on events and occasions in my own personal experiences
So any opinions I put on here about the Police, however unpopular they may be, is based on all of those, and I stand by any opinions I have stated.
Now if said opinions ain’t popular with some on here…,… I simply don’t give a ■■■■ tbh. :neutral_face:

Before I get the inevitable question from some herbert :unamused: …’
‘Will I use their services if necessary’ ?
Absolutely, the fact I pay tax out of my earnings qualify me to do so.

He was on the news about a year ago.
Was fed up having power tools etc taken while on a job
Think in the end the police and h&s said he can’t do it.

Perhaps if he puts on a clear warning sign and then they still go ahead and make touchy-touchy he can’t be blamed?

Oh nvm, just watching the video - he does have a warning sign. Well I can’t see where the problem is. Electrical fences do exist, don’t they?

best ever car alarm…end of story.


best ever car alarm…end of story.


:laughing: I want one like that. :smiley:

best ever car alarm…end of story.


You must have seen this `un?


Don`t do this at home!


Think in the end the police and h&s said he can’t do it.

Yeh?..That does not surprise me. :unamused:
What’s the difference between doing that and having say a barbed wire fence around your property.
The only reason that some [zb] is going to get potentially injured is if they are up to no good and/or doing something illegal, …who tf exactly would actually care if the [zb] s hurt themselves whilst doing so I’d be all for increasing the voltage and putting the [zb] s in the ground when you found them the next morning. :grimacing:
Law and order in this country is a [zb] joke.
As for the Police :unamused: …if they were on the ball instead of doing stuff like on the other thread, poncing around in a [zb] tractor unit, there would be little need for honest people to take these type of steps.

Come on rob. That a serious question? I know it’s a ■■■■ take when the police appear to not do anything but the difference is barbed wire fence is a non lethal deterrent, 1000V shock potentially is or could cause serious harm. They are scum but they don’t deserve to die for it. Now a 1000V shock when lorry drivers can’t keep to speed limits now that would be a more appropriate use for this system.



Think in the end the police and h&s said he can’t do it.

Yeh?..That does not surprise me. :unamused:
What’s the difference between doing that and having say a barbed wire fence around your property.
The only reason that some [zb] is going to get potentially injured is if they are up to no good and/or doing something illegal, …who tf exactly would actually care if the [zb] s hurt themselves whilst doing so I’d be all for increasing the voltage and putting the [zb] s in the ground when you found them the next morning. :grimacing:
Law and order in this country is a [zb] joke.
As for the Police :unamused: …if they were on the ball instead of doing stuff like on the other thread, poncing around in a [zb] tractor unit, there would be little need for honest people to take these type of steps.

Come on rob. That a serious question? I know it’s a ■■■■ take when the police appear to not do anything but the difference is barbed wire fence is a non lethal deterrent, 1000V shock potentially is or could cause serious harm. They are scum but they don’t deserve to die for it. Now a 1000V shock when lorry drivers can’t keep to speed limits now that would be a more appropriate use for this system.

Ok, what about razor wire or broken glass on top of a wall?
Both potentially lethal, if one of the ■■■■ s severed an artery for instance.

Tbh mate,.other than me maybe getting done on a potential manslaughter charge, or me and my family suffering repercussions by their scumbag mates, it would not bother me in the slightest if one of them topped themselves when attempting to break into my house for instance,.where my wife and kids were inside.

It should be legal and acceptable to protect your property by potential injury causing or even lethal means, as long as you gave clear warnings on a sign to point out their possible fate.

As I said, law and order is a joke in this country, crime is out of control, very few real deterrents, soft courts, and these scumbags think they have a God given right to nick your stuff.

A shed alarm from b&q is not bad or a home made shooter off the red line so long as your air stays up :laughing:

You must have seen this `un?


Don`t do this at home!

You must be in the car to activate it, though. It’s an anti-carjacking device, not anti-theft. No surprise it failed to gain any traction in Europe/US. Having had a car stolen (my very first car) I despise car thieves with a passion so no pain caused to them in the act of stealing can be enough in my view.

Two observations:

  1. A significant number of the scrotes currently involved in thefts from vans etc wear gloves so as to avoid leaving fingerprints/DNA at the scene. Said gloves provide more than adequate protection against electric shocks.

  2. Are you happy to have a device capable of administering a lethal electric shock left armed, unattended and with ZERO oversight as to maintenance against accepted safety standards (on the grounds that there are no such standards for electric “man traps”) in a public location where your precious wife/offspring (or even yourself) might come into unwitting contact with it? Bear in mind that high voltage electricity is remarkably adept at jumping gaps and making indirect connection via puddles/water etc, so “contact” might well not involve actually touching the vehicle.

Pub in cornwall installed an electric fence inside the pub to help separate people and help with social distancing.
Granted it wasn’t actually plugged in.
But was a deterrent to help with social distancing.
And as ever the insurance company got involved and didn’t see the funny side of it.

Coronavirus: Pub landlord installs electric fence around bar - BBC News

Pub in cornwall installed an electric fence inside the pub to help separate people and help with social distancing.
Granted it wasn’t actually plugged in.
But was a deterrent to help with social distancing.
And as ever the insurance company got involved and didn’t see the funny side of it.

I wonder how much he charges them at the bar for a pint? :laughing:


Coronavirus: Pub landlord installs electric fence around bar - BBC News

Pub in cornwall installed an electric fence inside the pub to help separate people and help with social distancing.
Granted it wasn’t actually plugged in.
But was a deterrent to help with social distancing.
And as ever the insurance company got involved and didn’t see the funny side of it.

I wonder how much he charges them at the bar for a pint? :laughing:

240 volts :stuck_out_tongue:

The bar prices were shocking , and they were in to ACDC .