Over paid

Today i got a phone call of one of the office bods saying that we had been paid twice due to a bank error.She said that the bank would be taking it back.

Are they allowed to do this.

Anybody know.


Of course they blinking well are!!!

Jesus, the standard of some of the posts on here are dropping

Jesus, the standard of some of the posts on here are dropping

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes Mark,they are.

I think it’s called a BACS return.


Just ask your self Mark, if your bank paid one of your bills twice due to an error would you want them to get it back? :wink:

Don’t think they can recover it directly from your bank account
without your permission.

However they can adjust your next wage payment
to cover the extra money paid.

Whatever they decide to do, get it in writting, that way there
should be no argument. This link may help


This isn’t an overpayment by the company, it is a bank error where they have processed the BACS transfers twice. The bank can simply recall one of the payments and in fact if the company hadn’t made the phone call you might not even have noticed it had happened.

Mis-read the original post. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Of course they blinking well are!!!

Jesus, the standard of some of the posts on here are dropping

no need for that is the bear but when i got paid more than i should of they tryed to take it back but the bank contacted me i said no.spoke to the the company and agreed. there not aloud to leave u short old skool times any way. as long as your willing to pay it back you can pay as much of £1 a week back (stiil paying mine lol council for ya)but as for the bank paying you twice ask above

Of course they blinking well are!!!

Jesus, the standard of some of the posts on here are dropping

Thanks for the replies

If the standards are dropping ■■■■ off back to truckworld


Of course they blinking well are!!!

Jesus, the standard of some of the posts on here are dropping

Thanks for the replies

If the standards are dropping [zb] off back to truckworld

As I consider you someone that can be normally relied on to make sensible posts on here, Mark, I was utterly gobsmacked you needed to ask this question and had the balls to post it!!!

Check on Truckworld and see when I last posted :unamused:

Ok. I’ve received a complaint about this thread. My thoughts are.

  1. You are both as bad as each other, so just knock it on the head will you? I can’t take sides, sorry. There’s borderline Personal Attack on here, but since you’re both weighing in against each other and neither of you has quite crossed the line I won’t edit. Be aware that the thread is being watched, however.

  2. If you want to talk about Truckersworld do it either on Truckersworld or by PM/E-mail, not on our forums. Alternatively, use the chatroom marked “Outside”.

Back on topic please. :unamused:

Ps. Before anyone steams in and has a go at me for the above, I only posted it because of the complaint. Otherwise I would have left you to it until such point as a proper rules breach occured.

Okay i apolgise. :frowning:
Never intended to upset anyone.
I was only joking.
Sorry Bear.

Ok. I’ve received a complaint about this thread. :unamused:

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Didn’t think it warranted a complaint

they will have to inform you,but,if you have the money collected before they do it back may you have to pay interest :confused:
or you go to court,whereyou may win,but banks are unhappy then with you.
But,you can just win to must not pay interest,as your Wife got it from Cashmachine and used it straight away,as she doesnt knows about your earning anything :sunglasses: