Out of scope driving


I’ve gone 3 or 4 minutes over a 4.5 driving period. I understand that it is probably not the end of the world. However, during that time, I spent quite a bit of time driving around a RDC and in a port.

Can I record that as out of scope driving on the back on the back of a print off which would bring my time under 4.5?


The DVSA wouldn’t bother about an isolated incident of 3 or 4 minutes. The operator may get you to sign a piece of paper.

It is not common practice to whip your card out when on premises to reduce overall driving. Not sure about the legalities. If you have the driving recorded on your card, that is the driving as far as I am aware.

When driving on a public road under eu regs then any other private yard/quarry etc driving is counted as driving

DVSA will not be concerned with your very minor one off
Company will probably need you to sign an infringement but that is standard practice to cover their backs

Ok. Thanks. Didn’t think it was a complete disaster. And I understand the out of scope thing a bit better now. Not really relevant unless you do a whole shift away from public roads.

Thanks chaps.

The first oartbof this gives a good indication how Out of Scope works. There are other exceptions but not ones you’ll use.

app.croneri.co.uk/feature-artic … ssumptions

Both of those scenarios were useful to read. Thanks.