Hi! I have SWB van which is over 2.5 tonnes but less than 3.5 tonnes. Do I require the operator licence as I am in process of getting jobs to Europe from UK. After getting approved by DVSA, do they send you the Operating Licence Disc to be displaced on van or just the certificate which I am suppose to carry.
Thanks in advance!
For hire and reward then yes you will need an operators licence for that vehicle. I have a friend who has had to jump through all the hoops ie financial standing etc. Can’t help about whether or not you get a disc to display though.
I dont know whether you will get a disc or not. In the UK no one will be looking for one in a sub 3.5t van. In the EU, from experience in trucks, they will want to see the actual permit (or certified copy) and wont be looking for any discs.