Oops that was silly

Container lorry in a petrol station not designed for hgvs, decided to remove the pump out of order cover and fill up regardless. Trouble is, sign was there because the fuel was contaminated. He’s getting it all pumped out again now. Bet he got some explaining to do. Probably better off carrying on 2 mins up road to somewhere more suitable.
Won’t mention any names or locations. Made me lol a lot.

Container lorry in a petrol station not designed for hgvs, decided to remove the pump out of order cover and fill up regardless. Trouble is, sign was there because the fuel was contaminated. He’s getting it all pumped out again now. Bet he got some explaining to do. Probably better off carrying on 2 mins up road to somewhere more suitable.
Won’t mention any names or locations. Made me lol a lot.

strange the attendant activated the out of order pump too :confused:

similar story told to me from another driver,he was told by another driver that the ad blue is taking a long time to fill up,he replied it would do if you put it in the diesel tank,lot of repair there i reckon

strange the attendant activated the out of order pump too :confused:
Good point. Could of been helpfully.


Container lorry in a petrol station not designed for hgvs, decided to remove the pump out of order cover and fill up regardless. Trouble is, sign was there because the fuel was contaminated. He’s getting it all pumped out again now. Bet he got some explaining to do. Probably better off carrying on 2 mins up road to somewhere more suitable.
Won’t mention any names or locations. Made me lol a lot.

strange the attendant activated the out of order pump too :confused:

It may have been 1 nozzle on an island of 3 or 4 choices. I regularly see a choice of 2 petrols and 2 diesels. The attendant may have just looked over and activated the pumps all of which have the same number.
Just a thought…

-10 points for him.

. Probably better off carrying on 2 mins up road to somewhere more suitable.
Won’t mention any names or locations. Made me lol a lot.

Bahill A14 nth bnd, cambridge services 1 mile up the road, by any chance :question: I feel tnuk csi :wink:

eddie snax:

. Probably better off carrying on 2 mins up road to somewhere more suitable.
Won’t mention any names or locations. Made me lol a lot.

Bahill A14 nth bnd, cambridge services 1 mile up the road, by any chance :question: I feel tnuk csi :wink:

Nope, sorry, 147 miles out… :wink:

If the pump is out of order it would not have been authorised!
Card in first, “going on pump one”
Attendant “number one is out of order driver”
Driver “ok, I’ll use it anyway”
Attendant authorises out of order pump…

If it smells or sounds like b/s…it’s usually b/s!

Born Idle:
If the pump is out of order it would not have been authorised!
Card in first, “going on pump one”
Attendant “number one is out of order driver”
Driver “ok, I’ll use it anyway”
Attendant authorises out of order pump…

If it smells or sounds like b/s…it’s usually b/s!

You are free to belive what you like… but I assure you this is what happened… This was not a filling station designed for hgv so staff may not of been trained to ask for a card first… There are as somone stated a choice of fuels at each pump… I actually asked the cashier what was going on, believing he had filled up with unleaded by mistake, it was the cashier that advised me what had happened… Had this been an honest mistake by the driver I would understand and would not share it with the nation, but this was an act of stupidity and such warrents a post… maybe I am wrong, but this is what I saw and what I was told.

Born Idle:
If the pump is out of order it would not have been authorised!
Card in first, “going on pump one”
Attendant “number one is out of order driver”
Driver “ok, I’ll use it anyway”
Attendant authorises out of order pump…

If it smells or sounds like b/s…it’s usually b/s!

Hard to believe, I know - but there are filling stations around where you don’t have to take your card in before you fill up.

It was a vehicle from a well known national container haulier, which shall remain nameless,im sure there are some of their drivers on this forum that have herd about this and could explain the exact circumstances. But I dont blame em if they dont speak up…

On the odd occasion I get caught short and fill up in a ‘non hgv’ garage, I tend not to take my card in, just grab the nozzle an start filling. Never had any problem.
Bare in mind also if it’s a non hgv friendly garage, that could of been the only pump he could access so probably tried his luck.

surly if the fuel was contaminated at one pump it was contaminated in all pumps… same tank

surly if the fuel was contaminated at one pump it was contaminated in all pumps… same tank

If that was true there would only be three tanks (and therefore three filling points) on site. Most garages have a lot more than that…


eddie snax:

. Probably better off carrying on 2 mins up road to somewhere more suitable.
Won’t mention any names or locations. Made me lol a lot.

Bahill A14 nth bnd, cambridge services 1 mile up the road, by any chance :question: I feel tnuk csi :wink:

Nope, sorry, 147 miles out… :wink:

■■■■ it :frowning: I’ll have to keep on trucking, Eddie Snax PI aint for me :wink:

Its happend to me before.fueled up drove away,turned the corner and stalled.restartedthe truck drove again but stalled.started again but belting white smoke and shuddering.long story short was the diesiel pump was ment to be offline but had no tag on it and was authorised anyway.

All very well and good, but even if the driver had just picked up the nozzle why did the attendant switch the pump on if and let him fill up? Was the “out of order” sign just there for a joke and the pump jockey wanted to see what happened? They don’t come on automatically…they have to switched on in the pay kiosk. Very dubious to say the least!


Born Idle:
If the pump is out of order it would not have been authorised!
Card in first, “going on pump one”
Attendant “number one is out of order driver”
Driver “ok, I’ll use it anyway”
Attendant authorises out of order pump…

If it smells or sounds like b/s…it’s usually b/s!

Hard to believe, I know - but there are filling stations around where you don’t have to take your card in before you fill up.

9/10 of the HGV stations I use do not require your card before filling, there are a couple that state it’s necessary but will authorise if you don’t anyway if you are semi regular. I avoid the places that you have to pre-auth the card. I hate having to fight past people doing their weekly shopping and buying poncy coffee twice.

I wish these places would have a fuel only till.

Not all petrol station staff are blessed though. I pulled into one, handed in my fuel card, he looked at it and said ok. Filled up and went into pay. O sorry we dont take these cards…had to wait while the company got a manager out of bed so he could pay it on his credit card. I argued the point with the bloke at petrol station but he just said no his problem. …