Ooops sorry boss...

Ferry hits quay wall…

Somebody will be along shortly to blame it on a sat-nav :wink:

I blame it on the Shandy Bass :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

agency captain no doubt! :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

Do Stobarts do Ships■■? :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’ll need marking with pink chalk until the TruckNet CSI team get there. :grimacing:

Cruise Control:
agency captain no doubt! :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

Ha ha! Tickled me that.

Where is Shipnet CSI?

Luckily I just missed boarding this one, got sidetracked by a young brunette hitchhiker…

That’ll need marking with pink chalk until the TruckNet CSI team get there. :grimacing:

Do they still do waterproof chalk■■? :wink:

No, but water is still chalkproof the last time I looked. :stuck_out_tongue:

the captain has to start and stop only once every journey how difficult can that be,any jobs going i know where the brakes are

tango boy:

That’ll need marking with pink chalk until the TruckNet CSI team get there. :grimacing:

Do they still do waterproof chalk■■? :wink:

they do at Dover

22,000 ton fully loaded,
i reckon the captain wasn’t pressing the brake pedal hard enough.

At what point do you think he ■■■■ out and ran to the back of the boat?

Its about time that they fitted hand brakes to those things.


Cruise Control:
agency captain no doubt! :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

Ha ha! Tickled me that.

:laughing: me too :laughing:

the agency captains last shift 9 hours previous had been piloting a pleasure cruiser on boating lake, but had reassured the bridge crew he always captain the big ones but had just done agency a favour piloting the little one… :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

Bet Captain Kirk was running bent and pulled the fuse on the tacho or had a magnet fitted under the hull.

Reckon captain usually works on hovercrafts :slight_smile: