Ooooooooh scary lane 3

Today on the M25 I was overtaking several artics with my foot on the boards doing about 58mph in lane 2 with lane 3 empty. Once I had got past after a minute or so and returned to lane 1, the Mercedes CLK that had been sitting happily behind me comes past about 70mph.

Why won’t some of these people use lane 3. They can’t all be wagon drivers going home in a daydream forgetting that they can actually use it.

Because they hav’nt got the common sense to look in there mirror to see if lane 3 is clear.

Probably Clarkeson not taking anymore chances…?

can’t all be wagon drivers going home in a daydream forgetting that they can actually use it.

nah you’re right - not in CLKs :wink:

Was in lane 2 the other week in my car ) overtaking some trucks in lane 1 when I got tailgated, flashed and generally bullied by a large van.
After I pulled back to lane 1 he flew passed giving me the finger then continued in lane two doing exactly the same to other road users.
Is he yet another one of the ‘I think I am a trucker’ types who has no idea of which lanes he can use??

Probably Clarkeson not taking anymore chances…?

Very good :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Talking about lane 3. I was on my way down the M6 this morning by coventry at 3:30 when another of our wagons overtook me in lane 2. All is well I hear you say when out of the blue a polish renault and tilt came screaming down lane 3 at 65ish. He then proceeded to pull in nearly taking the front of the other wagon off which made him swerve in towards me and I ended up on the hard shoulder. Thank ■■■■ there was nothing on the hard shoulder. Thanks very much you polish t.osser!