"Only" 3b left to pass; what to do?

A short story from B to C+E.
Theory and cases passed with flying colours in Dec 2021. Then passed mods 3a and 4 in March this year.
Two failed attempts at 3b in March and April. A lot of money spent.
Got seriously discouraged for a few months, but I don’t really want to give up.

What are my best options now, if I choose to give it another go?
Paying for another full training seems very much excessive, while taking a retest preceded by a few hours of refresher would probably not be enough (that’s what I did in April).
Is there any cost-effective middle ground for cases like mine?
Thanks for any constructive advice.

Then passed mods 3a and 4 in March this year

If I remember correctly the mod 3a pass only lasts for 2 months :question:
EDIT = 6 months

How good/bad are you? How near/far were you from passing before?
But…Self assessing your needs is not the way to go.

I would say talk to a school(s) and get an assessment done.
It will cost a bit, but will give a better idea of what will work for you than we can.

3a passes last for 6 months, so I guess will need to be retaken given time passed before the 3b pass.

I am a new pass. And my answer depends. Depends on how many things you failed on. Was it a consistent error you can overcome? Your confidence etc etc.

What advice did your driving trainer give you? I would likely listen to them and apply it even if I wanted to try a different instructor.

At this stage I would go full in with a company that offers pass protection. At least you know what the costs will be. Although it will be higher.

Good luck.

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If you’d like to pm me with your approximate location, I can give you more targetted advice.

Pete S :laughing: :laughing:

Pete S:
If you’d like to pm me with your approximate location, I can give you more targetted advice.

Pete S :laughing: :laughing:

Thank you, Pete. PM sent.

I’ve replied.

Pete S :laughing: :laughing: