One for the cyclists

So what did the toddler do wrong?

schrodingers cat:
So what did the toddler do wrong?

If that was my child the court case would certainly not be the end of the matter for that cyclist.

I think the toddler should go on a cycle awareness course,fancy thinking the pavement is for walking on :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Be interesting to hear roaduser66 or boredwivdrivin’s views on this little escapade. BVD in particular will probably still try and apportion blame to the toddler

Deputy District Judge Pam Baldwin told Holland, of Blackpool: "You have admitted you rode a bicycle in a manner that falls below that of a competent cyclist.

WTF does that actually mean? - Is there a competency test? Can a competency licence be revoked? :smiling_imp:

I’ve a DCPC card, but it doesn’t make me competent, probably just liable! :open_mouth:

As for the cyclist leaving the scene, what an absolute crap stain on the arse end of humanity!

And yes I know, nothing could make me competent! :grimacing:


schrodingers cat:
So what did the toddler do wrong?

If that was my child the court case would certainly not be the end of the matter for that cyclist.

Same here. If it was my daughter id probably be looking at a custodial sentence as i would be off around to the Subway where he works and ramming a few foot longs down his throat after doing some DIY to his facial features :confused: Good job they had got cctv otherwise the prick would’ve got off Scott free :imp:

As a keen cyclist, and I assume the aforementioned forum posters would not be apologists for this git, I agree that this chump needed the book thrown at him (£829 fines etc. should cause him second thoughts in future even if he didn’t care about the child - that, unfortunately, seems by and large, like human nature to me). I would be somewhat peeved if this happened to one of mine but at least the mother seems satisfied with the court outcome.

Pavement cycling, whilst being technically illegal, is largely condoned by the authorities, if done in complete safety:-

“Chief police officers, who are responsible for enforcement, acknowledge that many cyclists, particularly children and young people, are afraid to cycle on the road, sensitivity and careful use of police discretion is required

However, as with this wally, section 28 of the RTA states if the way one rides “rides falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful cyclist, and it would be obvious to a competent and careful cyclist that riding in that way would be dangerous" then similar to dangerous driving would be, he was bang to rights in the eyes of the law.

How one stupid, avoidable incident can affect people’s lives…

When I was 15 I was collared by the fuzz for riding up a one way street in Sleaford!

schrodingers cat:
So what did the toddler do wrong?

The poor child did nothing wrong. The cyclist was in the wrong cycling down a pavement. He has apparently apologised personally to the family.

It is just the same as a speeding car or truck hurtling down a road with parked cars on both sides. How many drivers do that everyday? If a child suddenly darts out from behind a car…Oh dear…Always expect the unexpected!

So because he has apologised that makes it all right does it? there were enough offences committed there to warrant a custodial sentence, personally I’d take my chances if that was my child and ensure that he would have difficulty riding a bike again very rare for someone round here to get arrested when someone loses a kneecap or two!!

I never said it made it alright. I was saying what I heard on the news.


schrodingers cat:
So what did the toddler do wrong?

The poor child did nothing wrong. The cyclist was in the wrong cycling down a pavement. He has apparently apologised personally to the family.

It is just the same as a speeding car or truck hurtling down a road with parked cars on both sides. How many drivers do that everyday? If a child suddenly darts out from behind a car…Oh dear…Always expect the unexpected!

He didn’t even stop when he hit her!



schrodingers cat:
So what did the toddler do wrong?

The poor child did nothing wrong. The cyclist was in the wrong cycling down a pavement. He has apparently apologised personally to the family.

It is just the same as a speeding car or truck hurtling down a road with parked cars on both sides. How many drivers do that everyday? If a child suddenly darts out from behind a car…Oh dear…Always expect the unexpected!

He didn’t even stop when he hit her!

Yep I saw it all on the news.

Shocking that he didn’t stop, some cyclists really dont help themselves with their behaviour. (From a cyclist)


schrodingers cat:
So what did the toddler do wrong?

The poor child did nothing wrong. The cyclist was in the wrong cycling down a pavement. He has apparently apologised personally to the family.

It is just the same as a speeding car or truck hurtling down a road with parked cars on both sides. How many drivers do that everyday? If a child suddenly darts out from behind a car…Oh dear…Always expect the unexpected!

have to agree with that,years ago I was taking my mother to the launderette in my van,i was doing around 20mph when a baby around 3 to 4 yrs old toddled out between two parked cars I slammed the anchors on and saw the mother talking to another woman across the road,when she realised what happened all she could say was out loud OMG